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Everything posted by ShadowFiend216

  1. I really need to dedicate more time to this forum. Lately I haven't even been in the SB, just checking for events is all I've done. Which I am out of school and if you've seen one of my previous posts, you would know of things I'll be working on this Summer, coming to you very soon...

  2. Congrats! It's about time you got it after two very long years. Keep up the good work.
  3. Final week of school before summer break.....

    1. rrhuntington


      "SCHOOOLS OUT FOR SUMMER........... SCHOOOOOLS OUT FOR-EVER!" Much more certainly the latter for me.

    2. Sadly Just AL
    3. ShadowFiend216


      Yep. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

  4. I have no idea whether I can make it or not. But I will try.
  5. Well, if Microsoft would have just made 360 games compatible on Xbox One, like they did with the 360 and original Xbox, this wouldn't be a problem. I don't even care about the rest, I just want a H2A.
  6. Hmm..... I don't know. Probably because the best Halo experience didn't NEED an XBOX ONE. Halo 2 had the best multiplayer of all time, and that wasn't even on the 360. Halo 3 is as close to Halo 2 than any other Halo, being just as good, and it was one of the first major titles for the 360. I'm pretty sure Bungie didn't have near the power of the Xbox One when they made Halo 2, or 3, and they were both fantastic.
  7. Hey! No! There's only room for one person to type in lime!
  8. Sorry I missed it. I didn't think I was going to be gone all day when I signed up for this.
  9. As cool as this is, I don't see why we need a remastered version of Halo 4, or Halo 3 really, it's already fine the way it is, it would just need to be compatible for the Xbox One. Secondly, I'm sure that not just myself, but many others will be saddened by the fact that none of these will be released on the 360. Just because Xbox One is out, doesn't mean the 360 should just be abandoned, seeing that all of these games are already compatible on the 360.
  10. It's cool that a new Halo is coming out in all, but I'd still be much more excited for a Halo 2: Anniversary.

  11. Thank you all for your enthusiasm, sorry it ended a little early Spartan, but I already explained why. And I can assure you all that this is the first of many events to come. Next one probably won't be until after May 30th though, but keep an eye out!
  12. Hey guys, sorry for the delay, but the event will now start at 11:45am. Invites will be sent out at 11:30am. Sorry for any inconvenience.
  13. Sorry.. I would make it later, but I have to be at work at 4, so that's why it's then.
  14. I can feel the love all the way over here. I try to always do playdates on Saturdays
  15. There is now. I was doing this before school and I had to leave, so I couldn't finish it, and I didn't want to have to start over later.
  16. Hey guys! So I know I've been talking about doing a playdate for a while now, so here it is.... ShadowFiend's Spectacular Summer Prequel! Game: Halo: Reach Time: 11am-4pm EST 4pm-9pm GMT Date: Saturday, May 10th We will be playing a variety of gametypes, varying from the subtle, to the insane. Game invites will be sent out at approximately 10:45am EST. Invites will be sent out in the order of those who signed up, so it's 1st come, 1st serve. I'm looking forward to seeing many of you there!
  17. ShadowFiend216

    SF SSP

    From the album: Photos

  18. I've made up my mind. I'm hosting an event this Saturday.

    1. Vinyl Scratch

      Vinyl Scratch

      Oooh, what KIND of event?

    2. ShadowFiend216


      A special secret event... ;)

  19. Good event. I wish I could have stayed longer though....
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