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Sean McHuge

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. My tag is Mr McHuge I'm always looking for ppl to play invasion with.
  2. I think there should be bots protecting the attackers spawn so you can't get spawn camped. I play invasion any chance I get this is my tag. Mr McHuge
  3. We need to find a email address and email a list of our gamer tags and demand invasions return
  4. Or have grunt and jackal bots to hide behind that guard flanks and operate anti air weapons or something like a star wars battle front meets halo thing tell me that wouldn't be fun that could help with players who used to spawn camp
  5. Don't you like the feeling of surviving war and being apart of it. Maybe the elites need like a vehicle to start with or the drop should supports the advance. It could use tweaking yes but what invasion could be is enough of a reason to bring it back. not a battlefield fan? Cod huh..
  6. I love the rhythm of battle invasion provides. Its like rush in battlefield, and I think they should advance on it and maybe instead of a territory to capture. Maybe like a big door that needs to be blown up or rammed into with a vehicle. Or anti air guns not letting dropships move up. There is a great number of ways to create fun battle scenarios. We need to kidnap a member of 343 and hold them until are demands are listened to!!! Who's with me!!!!
  7. elites have regenerating health, that was one advantage, that leap can be distructive if you know how to flank your target. use the needler and active camo you would do better you have to use your brain on the assult finding weak points its fun but you have to work as a team to break or hold the line i assume u had alot of no mics or split screen players right? when the game is played right those 3 mins can feel like a eternity. its a game type that makes you cheer when a tank blows up or when you finaly get that ******* in the banshee. atleast thats how i feel about it. But i wouldnt mind them building on the idea maybe instead of territorys to capture give like a generator or a big door or wall to break down with explosives. or ram it with a tank or something. it just adds to the intence battle feel. a task to be done or objective adds element of survival to the mix. That is what warfare is really about not getting shot. haha
  8. I love the rhythm of battle it simulated. It needs to be in 5 how can we get their attention... I got it. We kidnap a employee of 343 and then we can make our demands who's with me?!?!?
  9. Does anyone else miss the battle like experience that invasion had. i vote to bring it back and hope to have like a rush ( game type from the Battle field series ) i think it is a intence way to play halo. i love slayer and capture the flag as much as the next guy. But wouldnt we like a romantic action packed battle like rythm muiltiplayer game in halo? " join the battle brothers our covenant is bound for glory!" AHEM.... or... "Enlist now and save Earth!"
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