Well here is my first (complete and working) map. I have a few others made but they are either broken or need more work. There may be some issues with it, none that I'm aware of, but if any arise let me know. If there are any improvements I can make to the map or this post, just say it.
Gametypes: Grifball
Player Count: 8
Map Description:
Ascension is a Grifball map for a maximum of 8 players and a minimum of 4 players. It is set in the Forge canvas of Parallax. The walls, pillars and glass for the floor are coloured on each side to match that teams colour. The boundary glass is merged with the walls to eliminate that pesky wall walking. The gametype for this map is standard Grifball.
To download this map, you can go to my GT (TyroneKing 343i) and get the map from my files.