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Everything posted by Guts

  1. Name: Butch Weapon(s): M1014 and a .44 Magnum Appearance: Denim jeans, black boots and a brown shirt Skills and Powers: Can repair vehicles Bio: Left home at the age of 14 and has been living on his own since. Rarely trusts anyone.
  2. I have everything from the add on content pack
  3. Yes! A Borderlands event! Sign me up. Ill be a Gunzerker.
  4. 20 places free in a BF4 server. Joins. You are in a queue..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MCPO Mayh3m

      MCPO Mayh3m

      lol. same problem here. :3

    3. Composite Armour
    4. Fishy


      Every Damn time. Once I couldn't join my own empty server.

  5. Xbox One, im coming for you.

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      I need to get one... dangit.

  6. Goodbye Moth. Do come back to us.
  7. His dinner, Laskey was visited
  8. Well....I knew I should have protected myself. PM for all suspects.
  9. Nope Do you occasionally troll? (Cause I know I do)
  10. No. I've been to Battlefield's virtual Afghanistan instead Have you ever been to Germany
  11. Banned because I'm not a mod and I have other things to stop
  12. Look guys, it makes sense why they picked VI but what's this gonna achieve? What's done is done. Best to just drop it.
  13. Yes! Will Brazil make the finals?
  14. Nobody can be sure who is helping at all
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