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Everything posted by Guts

  1. Yus. And it always will be. Do you like The Walking Dead games?
  2. It may or may not be a Spartan. Time shall tell.
  3. No Halo is better than 3 Are you looking forward to E3?
  4. Raymond dropped from the ladder and landed with a heavy thud in the sewers. He turned and began to walk to his left holding his machete at the ready. The sound of Raymond's footsteps echoed through the sewers. After half an hour, Raymond spotted the ladder leading to New Vegas Strip. He climbed up to the manhole cover and pushed it out of his way. Raymond's head poked out into the street. A few people passed by. Some ignored him but others glanced in his direction. Raymond pulled himslef from the manhole and repleaced the manhole cover. He dusted off his jacket and checked his surroundings. A few MP members stood scanning the area. Many people were inside the casinos or were simply standing in the street. Raymond walked towards the nearest merchant.
  5. Portal 3 - It will never happen but im still hoping for it Borderlands 3 - Apparently its being planned by Gearbox
  6. Yes. Sonic would beat Mario before he even knew what happened Do you think that Halo 5: Guardians is a bad name?
  7. Banned because my "heart attack" was Church giving me aspirin
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