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Everything posted by Guts

  1. Raymond walked back the way he came. He switched on his radio. "I've got news for you! Mr House is offering 10,000 caps or more for the killers of a courier.", said the voice of Mr. New Vegas. Raymond switched the radio off. This was serious business. People from all over New Vegas would be in on this. Raymond decided to go to New Vegas Strip. The quickest way there was through the sewers. He walked over to the manhole. He found a metal bar and wedged it under the manhole cover. Raymond lifted off the manhole cover and lay it down beside the entrance. He threw the metal bar to his left and descended into the sewers, replacing the manhole cover after him. Raymond had to be on his guard. There was some gang activity down in the North Sewers.
  2. Banned because your taking an argument to a thread! Seriously guys stop it
  3. Name: Tyrone King Weapon(s): M45D Tactical Shotgun Appearance: https://31.media.tumblr.com/bfa82cc94882e1cb6985d712661baad0/tumblr_inline_n3s6288P321ry0xol.png Skills and Powers: Demolition, repairman. Bio: Joined the rebels after the Human-Covenant War. Ran from a rebel outpost and became a mercenary. Takes any work as long as the cash is paid in advance.
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