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Everything posted by Guts

  1. The game was really buggy and had many glitches when i played it. Well i suppose it was just too big of a task for EA
  2. Congrats on getting purple. I will join you in 120 posts
  3. #Don'tEatBunsEatWaffles2014

  4. An awesome game getting DLC's? That sounds so awesome! Would love to have the game myself
  5. I'd never bow to you but i will probably have to for the video
  6. Welcome back Ranger..........or should i say Caboose
  7. I could give Tank lessons! Anyone? I guessed not.....
  8. Been here a month today! Been so great here

    1. BeckoningZebra1


      It's been a good month. Nice to have you here with us PWNer :)

    2. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      A month I bet you will be gone in another




      2 years later ...


      Damm I was wrong




    3. Guts


      I'm here for the long haul and yes i plan to be here 2 years from now


  9. Ok that's cleared up, thanks
  10. Won't let me register. I click on the button and nothing happens
  11. Unless i am an Elite, in a vehicle or hidden altogether, then there is no way i can get Mark V in time
  12. Jesus how many guys just joined.......i'm in school when this stuff happens
  13. found it again after 3 years!!!! Still gives me goosebumps and I almost have to hold back my tears
  14. Ah well i shall salute you like i salute Thom as i never knew who he was...
  15. On the mission, Long Night of Solace, Jorge while drifting in space to the Pelican he says something in another language. I always wondered what he said and i assume it has something to do with Sword Base being attacked. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J67WCu2ojgM is the video showing him doing what i described.
  16. They may come back in time. The Gravemind tried to infect Earth - failed, infected High Charity - blown up and finally tried to infect the ring - blown up. As stated in Halo 3, this would only slow the Flood and not destroy them. They are there somewhere rebuilding. Rest of the species? I don't understand.
  17. Guts


    I guess you go to your fileshare on waypoint and link it here but waypoint i think is 100% Halo 4 dedicated now.
  18. Have my own clan set up now and im in another as a aapprentice so thanks anyway.
  19. Then more people would be drawn to the PS What if Twam decided to shut down this site?
  20. Banned for making this confusing!!!!!!!!!! *Sets off nuke and kills everybody*
  21. Hey Spartan i have done the The Package agian on legendary and didn't blow up. Is campaign footage useable?
  22. Banned for making my attack useless *Glues on hand and attacks*
  23. Banned for cutting off my left hand......my BAD hand!!! *retaliates by cutting off rangers legs*
  24. Welcome to the clan(not sure if i should be allowing you in ). HaloGeek you can do it officialy
  25. Banned for a force pushing *Force pushes Ranger off nearest cliff*
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