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Everything posted by Guts

  1. Forge has finally gotten what it needed. The controls are majorly improved, I can now build maps in half the time. The grouping is really helpful for moving everything about and the variety of objects given is much better than previous Forges *cough* Reach*cough*. The canvases, although limited, are very easy to work with expecially the Breakout canvas and Parallax. The natural items associated with each canvas can be used to make anything. The main thing I really love is being able to add fog, a sky box, control the wind and change piece colours. Just the ability to be able to do this is brilliant. I can never understand why people have trouble with the controls, you can display them on screen......
  2. I definitely disagree with Firefight. As I've said countless times, it is an endless and tedious grind until you run out of lives or run out of time. Now if a PvE mode is being added, it will have to have the following: 1. An End: It must end after a certain number of stages, regardless of who is alive, time or anything. 2. Stages: Unlike rounds, 15 stages of enemies attack and the next stage will happen only when all enemies are dead. Each will have a deadline of 3:00 minutes. Mission fails if not completed. 3. Variety: Elites and Heretics are the same thing. That is why in this mode, it progresses with Grunts, Jackals and so on. All previous enemies will reappear only in the last round. Oh, and it must be an optional DLC. There also adding UNSC air vehicles into Halo 5.
  3. Just as Wam said, it would be great if you just developed the characters. One other thing though, Klorbinean. You obviously know what that is but in your story somewhere you'll have to explain what everything is, what it does etc. Other than that, this is pretty good!
  4. Hard resetting my console when that happens works for me. Try it more than once.
  5. Well I'll give a quick rundown of my opinion: So that's why I have to go with Halo 5.
  6. Banned because the almighty me knows what I am going to do before I do it
  7. You can kill Dexter off if you want or keep him. Either way a new character is coming. Name: Kakashi Soldier: ODST Weapon of Preference: DMR Armour Ability?: Active Camouflage Hair Colour: Ginger Gender: Male Personality Traits: Dedicated General Mood: Relaxed Combat Wounds: Stab scar on right leg Handicaps: None Favourite Hobby: Swimming Social: Yes Extra Details: Right leg is a weak spot I hope I did that right
  8. I wasn't defending. I had absolutely no idea what Axilus was talking about so I simply asked him. And for future reference, I only defend myself
  9. What? I have no clue what you're talking about.... Show me where this is happening: http://i.imgur.com/VU5Ep5q.png http://i.imgur.com/GA23ri7.png
  10. May he get to Reptile Heaven, RIP Dragon
  11. The only way to avoid this is save every two minutes basically. The reason you're being kicked out is because Forge works like Multiplayer. You are connecting to a server which you can lag out of. So basically you're lagging out of you're own Forge map
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