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Everything posted by Guts

  1. This is the first time I'm actually going to make anything properly (well quality may vary). Great video Zandril.
  2. If you buy an Xbox One, buy Halo 5, get someone to make a map so we have the same experience on it and manage to make me care then I will Somehow I feel these "challenges" are like survive two hours on the last mission on LASO with plasma pistols only
  3. Wrong. By leaving the game you are messing the team up. There chances of winning go way down. So you are considered very bad things in Halo 5 Arena. Team Arena has all OBJECTIVE game types in it, so that mean Breakout. People who like Breakout can get the chance to play it with other game types in one playlist. That's why it's there. So stop whining, get good and play the game!
  4. Well I don't fancy being randomly executed so if you really don't know then vote RNG. I change my vote from BATMAN to Wam
  5. That File Browser though

  6. No, I look for teammates and get to them to help not looking at the textures or complaining about it
  7. But it works, I did it about three times before in previous games. I'm sure everyone has
  8. It is if you actually look for it. I ignore anything around me to kill what's in front of me
  9. Halo 3 definitely. Halo 3 had a great story full of action and so called "sad" moments which made it not only interesting but actually fun to play. Unlike Halo 1 and 2, the game style made it much easier to play and much more enjoyable.
  10. It affects every playlist by skins and armor, ask any pro player. Armor is a major factor in deaths. And it can't be an add-on, it was in the game at launch. Senseless extermination and Objective gameplay are two different things. If you really don't think there is then you're one of those people who just go for kills then. No, there may be no game mechanic but no radar and no shields is what makes SWAT what it is. They don't need game mechanics, its great as it is. As for spawns, nope. CE you spawn IN and ON grenades not two seconds to react. Two seconds is enough to hightail it. Yes I did, they still have your money.
  11. REQS are content in regard to game play. You wear them and use them in Warzone.....how are Scorpions not part of gameplay? It was actually Team Arena, Slayer, SWAT, Breakout and Free for All. If you really think Slayer and SWAT are the same then you really need to play them. They are two unique gametypes. The ranking gives you incentive to play unlike all previous Halos. Spawning the worst? Hahaha, you haven't played CE have you? Spawning beside enemies and in the middle of gun fights happened all the time. It's still 400 million in profit so 343 don't care if you don't like the game, they already have their money.
  12. Honestly, if there was going to be a spin off game I'd want it to focus on the NCA and the outer colonies (not that I'd actually buy it). Any of these spinoffs are basically 0% chance because most are either ridiculously far fetched or just wouldn't be worth doing.
  13. Lightsaber, at least it deflects lasers and it doesn't run out of ammo so quickly. Would you rather be a Promethean Watcher or an Engineer?
  14. Honestly though, who goes around staring at walls? You're not going to notice it while in an Arena match
  15. All these ideas that you lot come up with are great but we're not going to get 21 players. May be lower it to 14 or 16?
  16. As long as the AI is improved tenfold, it can stay
  17. Well deserved to you lot. I hope I get a sufficient computer for its release!
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