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Everything posted by Guts

  1. Banned because you wouldn't know that........only I know those kind of things about myself
  2. Banned because I do know better. It's one of my many perks
  3. Do you even understand ARENA MULTIPLAYER? The point is that it is fast paced and the maps are small. You know it's been done before with Halo right? Halo is still different from other games. Just because you can't get a vehicle straight away, although it's very easy, doesn't mean it's no longer unique. What's the name of this Modern Warfare rip off map? I'd like to find out why you think it. Oh and a friendly tip, AR and SMG aren't the best, you just don't fight enemies with them with a precision weapon at close range.
  4. Well I certainly didn't see that coming. Well done Caboose, you deserve It.
  5. I've killed my fair share of teammates in SWAT and other game types and I've never been banned
  6. Splitscreen was a great feature but unless you want it to look like Halo 4 then I'd say it's worth it
  7. Well that defeats the entire point of being fair and actually working towards something. If you could just pick exactly what you wanted then there's no point to even playing the game. It has to be fair to all players which is done with every player having that equal chance. Besides, if you are working towards armour and you don't get it for weeks them all of a sudden it appears in a pack, won't you feel much more accomplished than pressing a few buttons and it's there with no effort?
  8. A well timed punch and death grenade works. The only reason I've completed the frag grenade commendation is because of that
  9. It's not 18m for everything. Almost every map, gametype and vehicles have different ranges. The radar doesn't have any real issues. I disagree with the fact you say it's not effective. If you look at it it gives you enough time to either turn and fight or to time a boost to avoid their charge. If the radar had more range then the people flanking you wouldn't stand a chance. Nobody wants an impenetrable defensive line.
  10. You do have to earn each REQ level yourself but there's a timer for each level. If you don't reach the next REQ level before that time runs out then your automatically pushed up to it. It only goes to 3 or 4 though. If you activate an XP boost it lasts one game BUT THE GAME AUTOMATICALLY SETS ANOTHER ONE ON. So unless it's deactivated it uses all of your boosts
  11. My impression is that it will be difficult to settle into with all the new stuff
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