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Everything posted by Guts

  1. I'm just gonna go ahead and say that I never want to see any of you people ever
  2. 1. The Halo Universe 2. You're saying that the Chief being called a traitor bothers you 3. Good for you
  3. Number one: This is all made up and doesn't exist Number two: You're taking this WAY too seriously Number three: Who said its Chief who's the traitor? It could be someone else.
  4. *sigh* Right, I see what's happening here. EVERYONE WHO VOTED CHURCH, VOTE KITTENS.
  5. Banned because it is a bad thing Jack and Caboose, nobody EVER agrees with you
  6. Those first few pictures made me think they had remastered Sandtrap. Good to see the update that adds this is a waste
  7. The Sharingan. It works as many times you want on someone plus if they survive the first encounter you can use it again. Would you rather have amazing speed or amazing strength
  8. Hello Pinchmiestro and welcome to the forums!
  9. Please stop spamming my face and no, Im not a fictional alien Melody
  10. The Pervy Sage. Make Out Paradise FTW
  11. Never eat chicken again Would you rather be thrown to fight starved wolves or left to be hunted down by lions?
  12. I guess I'll take a truth
  13. God that looks good! I wish I could help but I'm useless with that kind of thing. Keep up the good work!
  14. Banned because vegetables cannot be cute. Only I can
  15. I don't get why people buy battlepacks. Just play the game. If you're terrible you still get them
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