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Everything posted by Guts

  1. Happy Saint Patrick's Day everyone!

  2. Metal control Would you rather fight a chicken sized minotaur or a minotaur sized chicken?
  3. Nice little video you put together Fishy. Didn't realise we would have a 4th book. Looking forward to Book 3
  4. Berlin would benefit greatly from offshore oil and/or natural gas drilling platforms as it is beside the sea and transport between the platforms and the city is relatively short due to the coastal location it lies on. Eclipse would have to build any drilling platforms on land and quite a distance away from the city due to pollution and other factors which would drive up the costs of doing this reducing the profits and growth this would offer in comparison to Berlin. Eclipse however would then have to choose wind as this is the better option as it would give better growth than it would to Berlin as it would be very cheap for Eclipse to work with. Edit: I focused on Berlin and never mentioned Eclipse.....
  5. Don't get in my way then. Jumping in front of warthogs isn't smart
  6. Betrayal better be back. I love killing my nearest teammate and teambagging the hell out of him when a game ends
  7. Being actually murdered if what I wanted not being killed for suspicion of undeadness
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