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Everything posted by Guts

  1. Banned for thinking that you were expecting it when you were not
  2. So Im getting voted now? Oh lovely. Kill somebody who is actually a threat
  3. The only question I have is where is the report button on a members profile?
  4. As long as the characters aren't boring and it has action that happens often enough, I'll most likely watch it
  5. Not even close Saskue...I mean Cursed Sharingan
  6. You're right on a lot of things there. I don't think we've ever talked at all. I certainly hope what you picture me as being is what everyone else does too. Its been good being somewhat associated with you Fishy.
  7. Well I'm sorry to say....thats intentionally happening. Every time you access a terminal it launches the Halo Channel and you watch the video there. It's a pain you know but that's how it works
  8. Banned for being Juane Arc or whatever the stupid RWBY character is called
  9. Banned because you killed a hitman who was sent after Dexter Grif. Im not Dexter Grif.
  10. Banned for arresting Caboose. You should have killed him
  11. Banned because I wasn't lying. I don't waste time and money on costumes
  12. At least I got mentioned. I agree with Unease Banana
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