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Everything posted by Guts

  1. The best gift I received was Portal 2. I loved that game so much. The puzzles, story and the witty comments from the characters really did it for me. I remember New Years Day after Auld Lang Syne, "Want You Gone" played. I've never forgotten it since.
  2. Yeah you explained it. I see what you mean by Halo 3 looking better but I doubt that style would work anymore. Think of that style with Spartans boosting around and Guardians etc. It seems off and extremely odd but yeah they could have done a bit better with the art style.
  3. I would accept this if you owned an Xbox One or Halo 5 at all. I don't understand how environments are cool looking but look awful. As for layouts and art design, please elaborate.
  4. Would have to be setting off a fire alarm and pretending I was trapped in the room with the fire and collapsing from smoke inhalation. I had a borrowed smoke machine too. I'm a horrible person I know.....but it was too funny
  5. Banned because it's not the profile pic, it's the obsession with that scene of the movie
  6. I remember playing the Campaign co-op over and over because I had no Internet. We used to race each other down to the beach on The Covenant to get to the Hornets and also Mongoose vs Warthog on the last mission. Another one was fighting the Scarabs but only using the Marines ie letting them fly the Hornets. It worked but it took a long time to work!
  7. Banned because Sasuke is stronger and a much better fighter
  8. It's definitely the Assault Rifle. He's never seen without it except for Halo 2 and also cutscenes where he doesn't have any.
  9. That's a good question. Halo isn't as easy as CoD and Battlefield to produce. CoD can churn out content every year with great profit. Battlefield can do the same with bigger gaps. Then we get to Halo. It's done in huge gaps, generally 4 or so years between main installments. It's hard to keep interest going for that long with competitors releasing more games. Especially recently with the split in the community it's very difficult. What I think is that 343 should wait until they have finished the game before release. The constant updates with Halo 5 really was bad. There should also be two separate sections of multiplayer. One for Spartan abilities and one with standard, no sprint game play. Forge ON LAUNCH. Hands down, this is obvious. The Campaign should be Halo 3 scale but the AI war that's coming. Warzone should return without the beat boxing spawn camping or any Whiskey. And the REQ system. It should come back but some exclusive Campaign armours and such from the original three games. I'm not sure if I missed anything here but that's what needs to happen in my opinion. Halo needs to bring both sides of the community back together. We need to make common ground to satisfy both. This pointless bickering over everything needs to stop we've torn ourselves apart and only we can mend it with 343s help. I don't want this to die, not yet anyway.
  10. Great to have an active member and a proud one too! I added your GT. Mine is TyroneKing 343i. Merry Christmas.
  11. I love it when you look at me like that ; )

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      I love these truth and dare threads ;)

  12. But then again you factored them out. This isn't pick and choose. Starkiller base still needs suns to charge before it can fire. Plenty of time for an assault to punch through and repeat the movie. Force Storms would be a problem but the Guardians could have the potential to appear and police the planet of their origin. I don't think taking Forerunner and Flood out would help too much. Nobody can shoot straight anyway and the same with the shields applies to ground warfare. How difficult would it be to drop an Elite or Spartan shield?
  13. I remember tearing apart the clan community way way back by accidentally starting a free for all match with about 6 different clans. It resulted in every one of them hating each other and disbanding and even more feuding from the resulting split off clans.
  14. @@Caboose The Ace Halo uses energy based shields and Star Wars uses energy weapons. Therefore, not much effect. Star Wars uses energy based shields and Halo uses physical weapons (bullets etc). Therefore, super effective. Imagine a MAC round against a starship. It would rip right through both shield and ship.
  15. The Focus Rifle. I really liked zapping and frying enemies with it over huge distances. Plus when Brutes showed up, the Focus Rifle destroyed them.
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