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Everything posted by Guts

  1. Halo 4 looks slightly better. I'm really looking forward to flying that Hornet
  2. The whole history was unnecessary but welcome to the forums!
  3. *Stabs Caboose* Save the Mafia the trouble.
  4. I suppose they had no choice but to separate the release into two dates.
  5. Plasma is my favourite. It gives you the chance to take down vehicles.
  6. Its not Adventure Tine. Anyway 10/10
  7. I vote Ledgend in that case
  8. Is it worth risking lynching Ledgend? He may say he is Mafia but that might be a lie.
  9. Well I'm still unconfirmed. Thanks for the list.
  10. Brute Shot returns. Player come from behind enemy and slashes across enemies' back with blade on the Brute Shot. The enemy stumbles forward and turns toward player. Player turns Brute Shot around with knife end facing enemy and rushes at the enemy. Enemy is lifted up with blade still inside them and slammed into ground.
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