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Everything posted by Guts

  1. Banned because I cant handle your truth which is in fact lies
  2. Hopefully more than me show up this time. GT is TyroneKing 343i
  3. Welcome to the forums Advocate! And the water probably just flows in between the stones and is absorbed by the soil. But nobody really takes notice of these things anyway.
  4. I'm not very good at speeches so this may be short. I'd like to start this by saying that I never expected this to happen to me. It was a real shock to read the announcement topic and see my name in pink. Since I joined as prometheanpwner last November, I have met plenty of great members who are the only reason I stayed here. But I owe my pinkness to JackTheRipper (close enough to the colour) who brought me back here in April. Without that, I wouldn't be here today. I have seen lists of names in MoM speeches before but I'm not posting one. If I began to list I would go through 98% (the other 2% would be spambots and those who should not be named) of the members here. So I'll simply say thank you to everyone here for keeping me here on these wonderful forums. And I would like to thank all you blues (my sworn enemies...jk..........Red Team rules) for choosing me as MoM for this month. That's all I have to say. Dexter out!
  5. Paralysed horses and buttercup warriors fit to fight for years. These warriors are the best of the best and are known to...
  6. I know I must post a speech and an outro but what else do I have to do? Im lost with the concept

    1. Sikslik7


      Actually, all you need to do is write a MoM Speech, and Outro is not necessary. If you feel like throwing a playdate or doing something special, feel free to contact the staff and we will see if we can help you out with it.

  7. Well this is certainly unexpected!! Thank you mods for picking me. I'll have a speech up later today.
  8. 28th BOB? I've only seen 2! Good work Ponyo.
  9. Banned because a sense of humour does not involve annoying people and looking like fools
  10. Banned because you are continuing what those idiots are doing
  11. Great speech MoMmy! Pass it on to the next deserving person!
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