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Everything posted by Guts

  1. A lot damn better than I could do. Thank you.
  2. Image 1: http://images.wikia.com/assassinscreed/images/c/c1/ACB_Ezio_render.png Image 2: http://images.wikia.com/theassassinscreed/es/images/9/93/ACR_Altair_Render2.png Image 3: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130310135614/assassinscreed/it/images/6/6d/Edward_Kenway_ACIV_Black_Flag_render.png Background: http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130423161738/assassinscreed/images/7/72/AC3_Caribbean_Sea.png Text: Butch Flowers, Live by the Creed Font: Any Size: 600x200
  3. Cut him some slack, its his first time.
  4. I'm not sure if its possible but I messed up with my current signature. The text is blurry and it has a very dark background. Is there any way one of you could fix that? Everything I try only makes it darker.
  5. Centurion! Its Centurion dammit! He's been communicating with detective and as soon as one Mafian is exposed the detective is dead!
  6. Banned because you posted way before I started to post here
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