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Everything posted by Guts

  1. The best boss fight I've ever encountered has to be Executioner Smough and Dragonslayer Ornstein from Dark Souls. It's the hardest and the most challenging boss I've ever fought. It's given me the most fun and rage of any game. Other fans can relate to the struggle to topple the guardians of Gwynevere As for worst boss fights, Halo 2. Pointless, tedious and outright stupid. They had no place being in the game and are a complete waste of time. I've always wondered why it was allowed into the game. The campaign would have been so much better without it.
  2. I'm guessing English isn't your first language. Maybe someone could help if we knew your first language. This would be best suited to asking the real 343 on Halo Waypoint. What content are you missing? Are you talking about Helioskrill, achievements or is it not showing the mission is complete?
  3. I've done this myself. Spartan Laser and Fuel Rod equals Scarab Gun. It's really awesome.
  4. This would've been so much more useful as a discussion topic but it's just senseless bashing....again. Take time to make something constructive and get your facts right BEFORE you complain. (Not complaining is better)
  5. The more armour the better. The same old armour appearing time and time again is dull. Some of the new sets are beautiful and others are ugly. But that can't be said for everyone. Armour you hate, I may like. It allows everyone to have their own unique Spartan.
  6. My main concern is that it seems to be too focused on rock, paper, scissors. I had a full of army of Scorpions to flush out the huge army of infantry the enemy had. I was attacked by several air units and eight scorpions didn't get a single kill. I also had a few groups of infantry which also got destroyed in the same manner by vehicles. I'm not sure if I'm at fault but it's just annoying knowing that my troops are useless in certain situations. My other problem was that my leader powers seem to do nothing. I've called in a Cleansing Beam as Atriox and it was directly attacking a group of Wraiths (not sure if that's the name). None of them died or even tried to move. As Cutter, I called in a fully upgraded MAC blast. I order the thing and nothing happens. Every time I call one in, it doesn't work! No explosion, nothing. Just takes my resources and puts a big recharge time on it. I'm sure I'm doing it wrong but when I do the same for Atriox it works..... Other than that, I like the game. Although I won't play it again because I've spent enough time downloading and I'm not updating it anymore.
  7. He has posting guidelines for you to follow. Put in pictures and he'll look at it if it's good.
  8. I do trust 343i with what's to come. Although, it's impossible to deny what they've done wrong, they're doing a lot of good. Halo 4 is one of my favourite Halo games. The story was good in the way it brought Chief back into the UNSC. The only thing I didn't like was the QTA with the Didact. It doesn't bother me anymore really since I've done the stupid Prophet and Tartarus fights in Halo 2. The multiplayer I enjoyed. It had moved on from Halo 3 (which it needed to do) towards a faster game style. Say what you want about Ordnance but a free SAW wasn't "terrible". (Although the feature has no place in Halo). Halo 4 did have the COD elements for the second time and it bugged me. With the utter failure of a "send off" from Bungie it didn't help putting it in. Apart from that, I really liked Halo 4. As for Halo 5, it's the first Halo I've been able to get Day One and the one I could get myself. When I finally got to play it, I was so happy. From the beta I knew this was going to be great. The Campaign has a good story but it's executed poorly with Warden and two missions as Chief. Otherwise, it was good. It gives a great launch pad for Halo 6 to be much better. As for multiplayer, it's the best yet. The new movements you're Spartan can do really give the life it needs. The weapons are balanced for once and the maps are good, well most of them. Although we didn't have everything at launch, they're doing a good job of giving us the content. I really enjoy Warzone. It's given Halo a really good boost. It really should return for Halo 6. The REQ system I like. It's finally given equality with everyone and their unlocks. No more stupid Vidmaster or multi player challenges to unlock armour. It's another thing that should return. I don't get the outrage, it's a much easier system to unlock stuff through. Play games, get REQ points, buy packs and unlock stuff compared to get four people, play a certain mission on a certain difficulty, get to a certain point, do whatever you have to, beat the mission and complete one part of a challenge. It's so much easier. As for "false advertising", I've said it too many times already. It's is NOT. Several other games have done the SAME. I don't get why it's a problem now. I guess it moronic people dragging their knuckles around and forgetting they have a brain. As for Halo Wars 2, I don't care but I do. I want to see if an RTS will be made after the last failure but I don't want to see another one of these games. I'm sure 343 will actually make something that is an RTS but I won't be wasting money on it.
  9. Oh hey, Nyygma! Didn't think I'd see any of you here. You should definitely stick around, we have a lot of good stuff going on and much more to come. (I'm Tyrone just so you know.)
  10. I would love to see more about Battlefield 1 like the campaign and more importantly the style of the multiplayer. I would also like to see more about Halo Wars to see if they can finally make an RTS. However, I would hate to see a huge amount of Indie games. I don't hate Indie games (they can be and are good) but when there's about 20 games it just gets old fast.
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