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Everything posted by Guts

  1. Guts

    Mafia 5.0

    Yoshi1176 - 0 Blake Belladonna - 2 Ledgend1221 - 0 DarkAngel - 3
  2. Dammit. This always happens. Image 1: http://www.officialpsds.com/images/thumbs/Call-of-Duty-Advanced-Warfare-Soldier-psd100270.png Image 2: http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131030001618/halo/images/5/53/John-117_Halo_4_Render.png Hopefully they are the sizes they are supposed to be.
  3. Classification: Signature Format: PNG Size: Default Coulour Scheme: Blue Image 1: https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSjyz2RpXJyOIlBRNCBEo2pBtuD8dB77Ag-IlPTNpvkWW6qFvKbXm-IZPM Image 2: https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT1J_ewDJhZ0G1R9gCX02kF0HU-iHcHlWFMyqU8UZJ3ox7X3cEfM3mjUAE Background: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs50/i/2009/266/d/8/Burning_City_by_Pork_Cow.jpg Text: Butch Flowers Font: Any
  4. You're a brilliant forger. Keep it up.
  5. Guts


    I would never have picked that up in a million years. Its sad to see another brilliant member go. Farewell Maestro.
  6. Guts

    Mafia 5.0

    Yoshi1176 - 0 Blake Belladonna - 2 Ledgend1221 - 0 DarkAngel - 3
  7. AC Rogue. There is, in my opinion, currently no good naval warfare or enough naval warfare in games at all. We need new things.
  8. Banned for pointing out that I pointed out that you pointed out something.
  9. Guts

    Mafia 5.0

    Yoshi1176 - 0 Blake Belladonna - 1 Ledgend1221 - 0 DarkAngel - 2
  10. Guts

    Mafia 5.0

    Scene 4 The Mafian knocked on the door of Delpen's house. The Mafian had no weapon. They expected an easy fight. Delpen was nowhere to be seen. “Come out Delpen.” Said the Mafian. The Mafian listened carefully. They could hear faint footsteps creeping towards the door. "Who is it?", said Delpen. "Your doom!", replied the Mafian. “Oh god.”, said Delpen. The Mafian kicked the door in. Delpen was thrown back onto the floor. "You're finished!", said the Mafian. Delpen tried to scramble away .The Mafian grabbed Delpen and started to punch him. Delpen kicked the Mafian off him and grabbed a vase. He brought it down at the Mafian's head. The Mafian moved out of the way and grabbed Delpen from behind. Delpen headbutted he Mafian and threw them against the wall. He started punching the Mafian.The Mafian wrestled Delpen to the floor and snapped his neck. The Mafian got up and ran. 5 left they though to themselves. Delpen9, Civilian, Killed by Mafia Suspect List Yoshi1176 Blake Belladonna Ledgend1221 DarkAngel
  11. Guts


    Welcome back Lycaoni!
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