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Everything posted by Guts

  1. Id like to see Arena Zealot in Halo 5.......oh wait, it already is.
  2. Guts

    Mafia 5.0

    Didnt see his new name
  3. Thats Captain Flowers to you! Blake
  4. Guts

    Mafia 5.0

    Scene 3 The Mafian watched as their target passed the alleyway they had used to hide. They saw their target was carrying a baseball bat. "Funny thing for a civilian to carry.", muttered the Mafian before beginning to follow their target. The Mafian walked quickly to catch up to their target. They gripped their knife and began to jog. Stinky turned and saw the Mafian. "Crumbs.", said Stinky before drawing his baseball bat. The Mafian drew their knife and ducked as Stinky swung his bat. The Mafian slashed at Stinky and cut deep into his left arm. Stinky swung the bat again and hit the Mafian on the side of their head. The Mafian fell to the ground. "Enough!", shouted the Mafian before jumping up and bringing the knife straight down at Stinky's head. Stinky brought up the bat to protect himself. The bat was cut in two. Stinky lunged at the Mafian. "AHHH", screamed Stinky. The Mafian had driven the knife through Stinky's stomach. "Nice try.", said the Mafian before pulling the knife out of Stinky and running. Stinky, Civilian, Killed by Mafia Suspect List Delpen9 Caboose The Ace Frankenzer TheSilverCenturion
  5. Really good idea for a custom game.
  6. Good idea but it may attract CoD players complaining about copying.
  7. Basically it shows new members in new content rather than posts and I have to change it to show posts again
  8. Were not 343. Were a fan forum. Putting every single Halo map in Halo 5 wont be happening.
  9. You're a member of the seventh alliance
  10. Hopefully we have many more years with you.
  11. Welcome to the forums Dman727! Im afraid I cant help you with your problem.
  12. Abandon on SWAT is where I can get 3-4 per game. Haven is also a good map on any mode.
  13. After storming the first gate with Forest, stick to the right. There you will find a crashed pelican with the radio underneath.
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