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Kenneth Patrick Valadez

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Everything posted by Kenneth Patrick Valadez

  1. I'm going to agree with you on a few things, mainly the Halo 2 campaign DLC for halo 5, I love that idea, but only if they keep and use the same engine of Halo 2 for halo 5. Halo 2 multiplayer was/is legendary, everyone who play games online were all about Halo 2, how much fun it was, everyone I know who play battlefield and cod, all rant and rave still about how they would sell their games for halo 2 again in a heartbeat, its something that 343 needs to realize is that people miss and loved halo 2 and want it back just the way it was, broken or not, it was the most competitive game in gaming history, launched competitive gaming to global levels, people would come from all over to play halo 2 in MLG tournaments back in the day. Keep the double shots, bxr, bxb, super bounces, keep it all and just treat halo 5 more like a halo 2 campaign dlc to a halo 2 anniversary or something. Get rid of the loadouts completely, sprint is stupid and gets you killed more times then gets you out of a situation, the fact that you can spawn with camo is bull crap and people just sit and camp with camo all day and its annoying, ordinance drops are kinda lame also, all that stuff takes away from the competitive nature of "who is better" if 2 people spawn with the same weapons and they have to kill eachother to get to another weapon, who wins? the better player, its stupid that Halo 4 is the only game where the Assault Rifle can kill you faster than the Battle Rifle, in every other halo, if someone is running in a strait line at you with the assault rifle and you have the battle rifle, the assault rifle will lose, its almost like they decided to make Halo "child friendly" and made it playable for the kids who dont know how to aim. The human sniper is stiff and laggy like in halo 3, the beam rifle is still good and the promethian rifle scares people, I can go all day about this. Ultimately, I just can only hope 343 just get it togeather and realize they are a sinking ship and the only thing that can save the halo universe is Halo 2.
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