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Everything posted by Pashto96

  1. Go Halo 2 zombies style. Team slayer, one person on blue team spawns on the platform and everyone else is on the track. Make sure it's only one life as well.
  2. Forget what I said listen to the guy below me.
  3. 1. As said before, add in ranked playlists so people don't have to play with the guys who are super competitive all the time. I always had a lot more fun in Halo 3 because of the social playlists. Everyone is a bit more relaxed and if I felt like being really competitive , I could go play in the ranked playlist. 2. Search for people in your rank group. I'm sick of being grouped up with level 70s when I'm in the mid 30s. We end up being spawn killed over and over again. 3. Nerf the DMR. I feel forced to use it to get kills. There's no point in using the carbine or light rifle when the DMR is more powerful and accurate. 4. Add bigger maps. There's still forge world type maps where large maps can be made. Most maps, I feel like I'm spawned in the middle of everything and then killed immediately. 5. Add a classic playlist. *No loadouts, no sprinting, no armor abilities * Classic weapons (no DMR, no forerunner weapons) * Weapons spawn on the map( consistently not just once) * Assault, classic CTF I'm sure I'll think of more later but that's what I can think of for now.
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