ok, so why do they have to be multiplayer based. i am one of the few people who buy multiplayer games for the campaign and co-op modes. how would you readapt these acheivements to cover a broader fan base?
several of these are highly luck based, and several are also very prone to boosting. both options are not fun, which counters your earlier arguement for achievements to be fun. also, how would one commit suicide and make a kill? i fail to see the logistics of how that could work.
i like to idea and naming of most of these achievements, i would love to try to get them. some are challenging, some are fun, and some are just down right lucky or improbable. i like what you have going on with this list.
as a suggestion to you list;
[blow Back] - Get a betrayal suicide with a rocket while zomed in and the targeting reticle red
[Overland Route] - Be the Driver of a vehicle that is carying the flag, for 90% of the way from the enemies base to your base