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Everything posted by Iambigtime

  1. Well, through some digging, Its near impossible to make a functioning S&R map due to the fact Defenders can defuse the bomb. You would need a mod, which im sure exists out there. But Halo Reach can do it for sure.
  2. Read my article about Halo 4 gametype ideas! http://t.co/6QtS860awY

  3. Im actually working on a Serach and Destroy map right now on Impact called "Reactor". It incorperates the already placed building on the map and is turning out good!
  4. Hopefully you were curious enoguh to click the link, and up front, I thank you for reading this post. If at anytime your confused about a gametype, feel free to click a link below to learn about. So lately, I been thinking about mixing some game modes from Call of Duty (Ghosts) with Halo 4. I find it rare for someone to actually like both of these gaming franchises, so you may look at me strange if I say im am one of those people. I like both of the companies and the products they had/have to offer. Back on topic, I been thinking about making compatible gametypes from Call of Duty to Halo 4. Now, I know there are already some gametypes inspired by CoD such as "Cranked" (More can be read about "Cranked" here http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Cranked") that has been remade for Halo 4 known as "Rush Slayer" (Play it yourself! https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo4/filebrowser/details/60402f9d-b730-4c61-b00e-d02f2b943811) and im sure others exist that im not aware of. But hopefully other forgers, along with myself can make that happen. Search and Destroy: http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Search_and_Destroy Im sure this exists somewhere already, but heres my version: 2 teams of 4 (or 6?) spawn and one team, the attackers must carry one bomb (a grifball) and must move it to one of either two locations where the must promptly "arm" the bomb. After the bomb as been "armed" the attackers must defend the bomb until it explodes, thus winning them the round. Keep in mind that every player in the game has one life, so when your down, your out. This also brings to light that at any point, if all players of a team is eliminated, the round ends and the point goes to the team left standing. A few more points on this gametype: I think this would be difficult to pull off without a mod, or map formed around this gametype, it cant be formed on every map. Also, this would have to be made with grifball, beacuse no "Assault" exists pre-loaded on the Halo 4 disk. But this should'nt keep the gametype from being created. It has strong capabilites and is a game that can't be won with out teamwork. Drop Zone: http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Drop_Zone I don't think a gametype exists for this, but I may be wrong. Heres my version: 2 teams of 6 spawn and the objective of both teams is to capture a hill that rotates every 45 seconds. The catch here is that whichever team controls the hill, will recieve ordanence. This is difficult to capture because you could either make a mode which players from either team can earn ordnance from points only earned in the hill, or, a hill that belongs to one team will automatically recieve ordnance. I believe the first gametype would work the best because every player would be motivated to get to the hill and every player in the hill would get there ordnance other than one team getting over-powered and unbalacnced. This strays from the original gametype, but I feel these changes would improve the game for Halo. This mode is within reach of any good forger. Even modifying on-disk maps to comply with this gametype would be some what simple. Blitz: http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Blitz_%28Game_Mode%29 Again, I doubt a gametype exists for this, but I may be wrong. Heres my version: 2 teams of 6 spawn at thier side of the map with thier own goal inside. Now, the goal mechanic would be the hardest to pull off. Aside from the goal , this game would run smoothly. Basically, the goal must be able to teleport you and have a hill to count a point when you enter it. Very straight forward. But theres a problem with two solutions. 1. Use a regular gametype so when you pass through the goal, you score, then die, then respawn normally or 2. Use a modded gametype so when you pass through the goal, you score, then are teleported to a spawn and live. Either would play alright, but the little details count. This is possible, but very difficult to pull off properly. This concludes my article. Thanks for reading and tell me what you think of these ideas or ask questions if you have any. Thanks! P.S: Please ignore my spelling and gramatical errors. Its late.
  5. I have a map called "Crawler" Which is turning out very nice. But I need some pro help, although already pro I think it might go a different direction. If you want to help me, reply with your gamertag. THANKS!
  6. Im just putting together a little Halo 3 Fun day filled with heated multiplayer and what not. If you would like to join us, reply please
  7. Alright Thank you for the help. Does the amount of games I play affect the chance?
  8. This is simple. Make sure any devices on your modem are inacive or disconnected. Like dont touch your computer, turn offf your phone and anything else. Not to mention players on Live who might suffer the same problems.
  9. I have read in many places that Recon was handed out to all players. I had Halo 3 for awhile (although I play halo 4 Most of my time ) And I like playing it and I really want Recon. I read that I can get it after a month of game play but Idk if this is valid. Is there still hope for me with recon? HELP!
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