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Connor Kenway

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Everything posted by Connor Kenway

  1. Watch_Dogs is so much fun! :D

    1. TheBritishSpartan


      Did you get one of them early copies? If so I'm jelly.

  2. Watch_Dogs is so much fun! :D

  3. Just pre ordered Watch_Dogs :D

    1. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      It plays like Assassin's Creed... Controls and all

    2. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      Had it pre-ordered for a month. so ready.

    3. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      Boss I pre ordered it back in september 2013 but because it got delayed EB let me decide if I wanted to put the pre order on something else and so I got AC IV

  4. Who is excited for the All Blacks vs Eagles?

    1. Azaxx
    2. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      all blacks gonna win

    3. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      I know JL the Americans aren't too big on their rugby XD

  5. Airforce or Army? I'm not into the whole 'Navy' thing

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Then Army. Army sees the most combat, and getting to fly a plane is quite hard.

    3. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      Uh I think you mean heli lol

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      No, "getting to fly a plane is quite hard" was saying why a combat role in the Air Force is quite hard to achieve.

  6. Alpha where you be? D:

  7. Halo Wars? Yeah sure why not, UNSC for me because ODST lol iv won't be there at the start but I should be able to make it towards the end :3 The only thing that could stop me is if Watch_Dogs distracts me
  8. Heh, Omega Squad enjoy your stay commando
  9. Are we in a relationship? Like seriously I want to know
  10. I shall put forth thy nominations and it's going to..... D-38 Boss
  11. My kidney is stuffing up ;-;

  12. Halo 4 got leaked guise! it looks so kewl theres mastre chef and explowsionz it lookz soper kul guise u need to c it!

  13. Halo 4 got leaked guise! it looks so kewl theres mastre chef and explowsionz it lookz soper kul guise u need to c it!

  14. Hey Guys, Assassin's Creed Comet apparently has concept art it might be false like "Assassin's Creed Great Fall" or this could turn out to be true like the Unity concept art that was leaked. The concept art has an Ancient Rome look to it instead of being a Templar in North America it could be an Assassin in Ancient Rome an interview with Jade Raymond the head of Ubisoft Toronto said this: "But then there is an additional element of getting to relive and play a role in these pivotal moments in history," she continued. "We work with historians to recreate these societies — ancient Rome, the French Revolution. And because each game is crafted in a new era, players don’t get tired of the it." The French Revolution setting has already been confirmed for Assassin's Creed Unity and Jade mentioned Ancient Rome which hasn't been confirmed more hints are also at Rome are in the name itself too as there was a comet in the Ancient Rome era known as Caesars Comet which said hello to the Earth not long after Caesar died so what do you think, Ancient Rome setting? North America Templar? or Assassin's Creed Comet not even existing? let me know in the comments below.
  15. must.. pre-order.. Watch_Dogs.. in.. time...

    1. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      Actually I better pre order Far Cry before it gets sold out in a week

  16. Just got Spec Ops the Line and Republic Commando for PC :D

  17. I can't make it sadly it's 6 AM for me and on a Sunday which makes it Monday for me ;_;
  18. I never had a problem with *Redacted* until, he made things personal

  19. Guys! *redacted* won't happy I'm on 4 stars D:

  20. :o 3 stars thanks *redacted* love you too
  21. Who has Battlefront 2 for PC/Steam?

    1. GryffinGuy007


      Nope. I got a heap of other games though. ._.

  22. Guys, about Warlord did any of you read the OP? He's leaving TUESDAY and Warlord chapter 10 comes out before that so instead of panicking about that let's just wish him all the best for the future and hope he comes back. Good luck Fishy
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