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Connor Kenway

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Everything posted by Connor Kenway

  1. Haha! Nailed it, I knew it was going to be you for this month congrats brah
  2. Ew Caboose. Now onto the post: *sobbing* P1nknut was my bestest friend and now he is gone from this world I will miss him very much his death came too quick he was so young and now I have no one to play tag with or fly kites with. I'm sorry for my outburst I just miss him
  3. Yeah betrayals can create interesting stories *looks at Silent Alpha*
  4. Dec 2015? That sounds like enough time to polish everything
  5. Who would be willing to defeat Voracidous the Invincible from Sir Hammerlocks Big Game Hunt with me? On UVHM of course

  6. I need a middle eastern accent now

  7. I agree with Azaxx as I have perfection mastery and never for the medal I had to check the commendation to see if it counted
  8. Can't leave this display name

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      You can leave it for display.

    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      About time. Now people can tell us apart in the shoutbox.

  9. Just found out that, when in public I have to wear pants D:

  10. My waypoint is messed up as well because my hard drive wiped on waypoint when viewing my career I have no achievements or awards but I show up as milestone 80 so it's something to do with 343i (as usual)
  11. Playing AC Revelations, now I remember why it was my favorite AC game er I mean is sorry Ed I prefer AC R to IV

    1. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      Why is it your favourite ?

  12. Deadbox for an HOUR where were you guys

  13. I'm gonna vote Peanut as Axilus died by flipping raisin cookies and Peanut loves raisins!
  14. Original xbox was uh... Finding Nemo and V8 super cars and 360 was Halo 3 ODST
  15. Voting null there's no info that could hint so I vote null
  16. Farming Sparky Flynt for the Commando skin ;_;

  17. Who is excited for Watch_Dogs release next month?

    1. Caboose The Ace
    2. Azaxx
    3. Delpen9


      I'll pick it up sometime and love it, but for now I'm not too excited.

  18. Why does everyone copy stuff I say such as @Mothman one of us?

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Its a form of mimicry. They seek to become like you.

    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      But seriously I don't know why. They're probably just being silly.

    3. Delpen9


      Have you eve heard the phrase "imitation is the most potent form of flattery"? It does get annoying though.

  19. I'm not going to get it either, like you Caboose I have other games on priority such as Watch_ Dogs,Assassin's Creed,Borderlands and SW Battlefront so I'm not gonna get it on release or anything might get it a later date though.
  20. Watched Mad Max 2, now I await the games release this year

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