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Connor Kenway

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Everything posted by Connor Kenway

  1. I'm gonna get the Borderlands 2 season pass and a few head hunter packs cos of spring/autumn sales :D

    1. Akali


      Get the 2nd headhunter pack last since that is just terrible (the one with Torge and the giant turkey thing)

    2. The Stig

      The Stig

      Sounds awesome! ^_^

  2. Machinima time!

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      I thought it was 6:28....

  3. Anyone want to take part in a Machinima?

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      When I have time, sure.

    2. GryffinGuy007


      I'd be up for voice acting if you'd like. :)

    3. Is not JL
  4. Caboose the Ace is... Cool I guess

    1. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      Aw thanks that means a lot....


      So are you. :)

  5. got a good amount of machinima stuff done today :D

  6. Seeing Captain America with my REAL friends since two particular Cmods *cough* Azaxx *cough* Church * cough* won't watch it with me ;_;

    1. Church


      All of my wat...you're in a completely different country.

    2. Ranger Intel
    3. Delpen9


      I'm here for you, buddy.

  7. New Borderlands? heck yeah!

  8. Connor Kenway


    From the album: xNZA SNIPERx Pics

  9. Silent Alphas murder: I vote Fishy Cold freezes murder I vote Fishy
  10. Well, you got one of the top 15 on your team *cough*
  11. Happy Birthday my old display name character

  12. Ubisoft has stated if unity isn't good enough they'll push it back and there a different teams working on Comet and Unity
  13. Assassin's Creed Comet the last-gen Assassin's Creed game for this year is rumoured to be set in 1758 New York and the Naval Combat from III and IV will return by letting players roam the Atlantic as a Templar, yes a Templar and we will see characters from III and IV return such as Haytham and Adewale this game is apparently a direct sequel to Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag which means it'll be a prequel to Unity. what do you guys think of playing as a Templar and seeing character return? Source: http://gamingeverything.com/tag/assassins-creed-comet/
  14. The trailer is here from what we can see animated fight scenes are set to return as well as Carolina and probably Church. link to the trailer: http://roosterteeth.com/archive/?sid=rvb&v=more
  15. @Church let's 1v1 when we can

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