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Connor Kenway

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Everything posted by Connor Kenway

  1. ;-; if only it was something other than FIFA
  2. lol then there's me who goes to Armageddon Expo
  3. GMT + 12 and uh I'll go on the "british" team aka Yang's
  4. its kinda crappy for GMT but I'll still try to make it since it's early in the morning
  5. #RedNeckSelection2014

  6. I'm pretty sure there aren't anymore around unless you check ebay
  7. I prefer Steam's marketing as the Xbox/PSN stores don't change the price tag for on demand on games for a long time the only game I have seen cheaper on the Xbox store then on disc is Thief retailing on the Xbox Store for $40 NZD and in store such as EB it's $80 NZD
  8. ;_; it's so beautiful Bnus I can't comprehend it
  9. no one is banned instead, the signature and about me editors are both banned for not working
  10. If I decide to do H4 legendary solo it won't be that it'll be on Mythic like the previous Halo's for me
  11. ah.. Osi using one of the most popular sayings by leaders "Classified" great interview
  12. *missed* the ban hits a mirror and reflects back at Caboose so Caboose is banned
  13. yay I found the topic! and great explanation Axilus
  14. Why am I on the Top 15?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      It's the top 15 target list.

    3. Coldfreeze


      people want ya dead son, now spread some assassany love by killing some random people and claim the were one of those knight's templar kind of dudes. ACHILLEAS OUT *mic drop*


    4. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      Because you deserve it. :)

  15. Wha- I'm top 15? D: I'm sorry but I kinda had to bribe someone so I could be there oh well, at least the rest of you got on there legitly... Unless I named them #conspiracy
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