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Connor Kenway

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Everything posted by Connor Kenway

  1. Yeah I think it would be really awesome if they made it. I'm meaning who would want ubisoft to make one
  2. I'm curious who wants a statue with Desmond and his ancestors kinda like the Reach legendary statue
  3. Classification: Signature Size: 600x200 Style: something that suits I guess Colors: hmmm put something interesting Image 1: http://d15uu3l1sro2ln.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/ACIII-Altair-Ezio-Desmond.png Image 2: http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/35200000/Connor-And-Edward-the-assassins-35276575-293-403.jpg Background: something that goes well Writing: Your choice as long as it goes well with the rest Font: Your choice Extras try and make the 2 image look cool together thanks
  4. same reason the mcfarlane Master Chief statue could've been in a Legendary ed of Halo 4 its cos they were too lazy to bother making editions
  5. I can donate 3 PSN codes Killzone Mercenary: ISA M224- AI Light Machine Gun Tearaway: Special Delivery Pack and the Jukebox Pack Puppeteer: Theatrical Pack
  6. To those of you that are joining me against the ninjas if you want to do a party please note I won't be talking as it is the 21st of December and it is 1 year since Desmond Miles died so in memory of Desmond I will not be talking
  7. R.I.P Desmond Miles who gave his life to save us all on the 21st of December 2012

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Funny you should post this right after I finished AC3.

    2. Ranger Intel
  9. wow I just realized that Freedom Cry dlc is set the year of Edward Kenways death

    1. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      Would be cool to have the scene where he dies actually visible.


    2. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      yeah... but I highly doubt they will as its already in the book

  10. Guys I have an idea for the video if you aren't friends with me I suggest you add me and I'll show you guys my idea in Halo Reach
  11. The White looks sick if they release one like that i would definitely try to hunt one down
  12. Are the controllers gold plated cos that would be heavy
  13. Assassin and his name was Edward Kenway when they met they.....
  14. About the everyone having the same armor i think we should have a personal take on the armor to show we aren't all the same like yeah have the Mark V helmet but how about different shoulders and stuff depending on our roles and maybe the same for ranking like say we all have the same primary but the secondary is the rank colour but thats my opinion
  15. blew up jons apartment cos they had, had their share of....
  16. I know this is late and i never really got to meet you or anything but other members have told me that you are really cool and that you have made the site what it is and I want to thank you for the work you put into the site so yeah thanks AD
  17. went to a virtual grave yard to mourn cortana because she was killed by.....
  18. Well then, I better get started
  19. I hope you realise that's my personal signature
  20. Welcome to the forums
  21. Welcome Bre I'm sure you'll be welcomed by everyone else
  22. Heres how i personally see it I reckon the most likely would be the American Midwest because its in a similar time frame to 3 and 4 and i think they wouldn't make a big jump backwards so if they go backwards more I'd say it's Japan as thats what most fans are wanting and the idea of playing as Nikolai would be really cool but I doubt they'd do it as it is pretty far forward in history
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