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Grunt (1/19)



  1. I think halo 5 should allow you to dual wiled weapons and clans like in h2/h3 the clan system was great so players wouldnt have to go on websites just to find clan battles witch could take forever to find and duel weapons could allow players to be creative and make different combonations
  2. I think halo 5 will have mlg if they produce a tournament like a week after release and also if the game is well balanced and the multiplayer has a compettive game mode for the leagues to decide its compettive
  3. Gamertag: L3GenDkI1LeR Country(So we know your timezone):USA Skype(If you don't have it get it)L3gendki1ler Preferred Weapons:BR Dmr Preferred AA:Thrusterpack, proneithan vision Preferred Way of Fighting: lone wolf groups tactical Why do you want to join:Seems like a fun clan to meet some new people and improve my skills in halo Other info(optional):Im a cool laid back guy and easy to get along with
  4. Im looking for a fun casual clan to join to help me get better and meet some new people My game tag is L3GenDkI1LeR
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