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  1. sorry to do this again but I hate guys that make the Chief the armor and not the man in the armor. at a point in all 4 games (spin offs not included) you think "who is actualy the machine John or Cortana ,which as more humanity him or her?" in the frist three games the answer is Cortana because she cares the most about the lives they sacrifice, but in Halo 4 you actualy get the feeling John is more than a soldier that he cares for his team and Cortana. if you notice he wheres Cortanas DATA chip as his dog tags. now to the real qestion who is the Master Chief in side how does he feel about Cortana's pasing and Halsey turning her back on the UNSC, and one last thing the people need to see him as HUMAN and NOT A MACHINE. now a little some thing 343 should take note on WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER SPARTAN TWOs WHATS HAPPENING TO THEM, WILL THEY MEET THE CHIEF? ------------------------------------------------------SPOILER ALERT----------------------------------------------------- THE SURVIVINS SPARTAN-IIs JOHN-117 LINDA-058 FRED-104 KELLY-087 WILLIAM-043 NAOMI-010 SERIN OSMAN ("REBULIT" BY ONI AND BECOMES LEADER OF ONI IN HALO 4 ANDIANA-111 JAI-006 MIKE-UNKOWN SERIAL NUMBER THAT LEAVES US WITH 8 UNTOLD STORIES IF YOU DONT READ THE BOOKS NOW 343 EXPLAIN WHY THESE SPARTAN-IIs ARE NEVER ACKOWLEGED IN ANY GAME WHEN JOHN GOES AND GETS THE IN THE MIDDLE OF HALO 2?
  2. Why are you so mad they, show his face as a child in the intro he was the little boy with freckles. If you read the books they give descriptions of his face all the time so get over it !
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