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Everything posted by Melody

  1. You know it was funny, admit it. lolz.
  2. Mister Chef: Lolz come Corntata, we haz to go save teh world. Corntata: lol k [Approaches typical battlefield on forerunner planet] Corntata: O noes Chef, Elites! Do somthng. Mister Chef: Sud up Corntata I do wut I want [Gunfire from covenant forces] Gold Elite commander: Wort, Wort, Wort! Elites: Blarg! Blarg! Grunts: Demon! We kills u! Mister Chef: Lolz Corntata watch dis [Mister chef making pew pew sounds as he fires a Battle Rifle] Mister Chef: Lolz u guis suk, get g00d *pew* *pew* [After what seemed like a long firefight chef eliminates the covenant forces and proceeds to crouch up and down every dead elite on the ground] Corntata: OMGZ no way, you beatz tehm.. G00D job! I'll openz teh door 4 u. [Various door beeping noises later] Corntata: There, goes killz teh monsters ahh.. *disappears into the covenant internet* Mister Chef: My ROFL Copter goes... SOI SOI SOI!!! *Gunfire* [Hunters approach ahead from set of doors] Hunter 1: lolz u no pass Chef. Hunter 2: Thou shalt not PASS! [Chef throws a plasma killing the hunters in one shot cuz hes on easy difficulty] Mister Chef: LOLOLOLOLOL u guis r terrible lolz [More bad puns and crouching later...] Corntata: Chef lok there gravity lift! Get aboard it lolz. Mister Chef: lol kay *jumps into the magical lift force* WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! [Later aboard a Phantom] White Elite Ship Pilot: BLARG, BLARG, BLARG! Scrub Elites: Ughghghgghgh! *foreign language that no one comprehends* [Chef enters the ship through via gravity lift] Mister Chef: Say hallo 2 my little friend! *pulls out a rocket launcher with his controllers' sensitivity on 10* White Elite Ship Pilot: BLARG! KILL THE DEMON! Scrub Grunts with plasma pistols: *internal screaming* DIE DEMON! *proceeds to fire incredibly weak plasma bolts while spamming inaccurate grenades* [Chef 360 no lifes and kills all the grunts with a wasted rocket shot] White Elite Ship Pilot: RAWR! *pulls out Energy Sword* Mister Chef: lolz gimme ur body *panic spams rockets until pilot elite and scrub elites are dead* [proceeds to crouch on everyone of them] Corntata: g8 blow it up nao lolz Mister Chef: No Corntata I want Phantom! Corntata: Nu Chef u can't tak phantom! [Chef flies the phantom into the sunset and crashes it against an invisible wall] [Mister Chef falls to his death following the huge phantom explosion] Corntata: Well poop.. we ded nao.. [Corntata spends the rest of her life at a mill making corn and corn products] FIN [My incredibly dumb Halo short story parody]
  3. Happy birthday Drizzy! :P

    1. Drizzy_Dan
    2. Melody


      Haha, no need to thank me. A status update told me it was your bday. :)

  4. This is false, standing still for 5 seconds absolutely doesn't disconnect you. Kakashi is correct, you must have been away for quite some time in order to be disconnected for AFK. As far as the ban goes I see it as being valid, you let your team down by going AFK and letting them score easy kills. You absolutely should be banned. Just wait it out by playing a different game and come back and actually play the game.
  5. No hard feelings? ;D

    1. Yoshi1176


      Haha nah, I'm just playing around

  6. I don't quite understand though, if it's not a medically induced coma.. would it have to be a significant blow to the head to cause ones body to resort to being in a coma in order to heal vital body parts? I've heard two things (from experience being an RN [Registered Nurse]) That medically induced and trauma-related comas work different ways, forgive me for not bringing that up before. But what is the real core difference between the two? Either way your body is forcefully shut down right?
  7. I mean, I get covering up sensitive private messages and all, but even you must think that's a bit suspicious don't you? Still, I'm not judging anybody.. I totally get somethings just need censored. Carry on.
  8. What happens to your brain if your body undergoes a coma?
  9. Even if we can't find Heaven, I'll walk through Hell with you.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Spyro


      *Waves to Twin across the fiery sulfur lake* Always nice to see a familiar face on these lovely walks.

    3. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      I mean it's just down the road to the right, how'd you miss that?

    4. Melody


      I was just quoting song lyrics.. ._. LOL

  10. Before this is all over... Promise me you'll figure out which one of us is the machine. - Cortana

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      lol looks like we're bolth machines now ~ Cortana

    2. Melody


      I promise I'm not insane Chief! ~ Cortana

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime


  11. Cute Battlefield :3 I remember being a super noob on Bad Company X) Lost interest in the series shortly after BF3. Neat gameplay though!
  12. Do you still update your profile music list Red? I occasionally snoop around and see if any new music is here. :3

    1. RedStarRocket91


      I think I might have updated it... once? Maybe? It's something I might remember to get around to eventually!

  13. with no real evidence.. it's tough to tell.. I suppose I'll vote Drizzy, at least he won't be an unknown if he dies..
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