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Everything posted by Melody

  1. Give him time SD, if you can't be patient in a forum game I would dislike to see the patience you have in real life. (No offence of course, I just think calling him out like that isn't very nice.)
    1. Delpen9


      I knew it! The moon is a planet! My 2nd grade teacher Mrs. Jones was wrong after all!

    2. Delpen9


      After all these years, I know the truth.

  2. I see you lurking Yang.

    1. Akali


      I have... No clue what you're on about o.o

  3. What is the meaning of life? How do we know the life we live is real or not? What would likely happen if the United States was hit with a nuclear attack? What if zombies were real? Why can't I do things without being judged by others? Why do some people have no feelings whatsoever? (At least don't express them) Why don't you like Pandas? What are your feelings for Role Playing Games? Have you ever Cosplayed before? If so what did you cosplay as? If not, what would you cosplay as?
  4. I normally don't drink alcohol.. but I figured I would try it, I don't want to get too tipsy though. What's a good drink guys?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sikslik7


      Try to get a decent local beer. Major brewing areas and companies that are regional are typically good places to find a middle of the road beer. They should have a classic signature beer.

    3. Sikslik7


      If you want some sound advice, go to a liquor store and talk with someone about beers, wines, etc to try.

    4. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      If the beverage is flammable avoid it. That stuff makes you do weird things. Just go with regular beer and try different brands for different tastes.

  5. This place is soooooo boring. :P

  6. Haha, I just noticed that (I really need to keep track of release dates) Maybe SD can review it on the forums though? It would be interesting to see a review!
  7. Netflix has single handily opened my eyes to the world of streaming. I've watched just about everything from my past again and much more! (Mostly 90s goodies)

    1. Melody


      Ignore that spelling error.

    2. Drizzy_Dan


      Netflix takes over lives. It's wonderful and dangerous.

    3. Delpen9
  8. What about Mirror's Edge Catalyst? You know the first 20 minutes was released to the public not too long ago. What about if we shared our thoughts on it? More news about Catalyst would be awesome. I would hate to see anything related to CoD.
  9. Breaking Benjamin - The Great Divide

    1. Arkanagos


      Breaking Benjamin - Blow Me Away! Was the first time i ever heard of them thanks to Halo 2. Ooved that song ever since lol.

    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      The new album is more of the same, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

  10. It certainly has a whole lot going for it, I'm excited about the new Scorpio because I strongly believe consoles will finally match up in processing power to a gaming PC. I've also heard about Microsoft changing the interface to a Windows 10 design, so that is another thing to be pretty excited about. As for the Neo Fishy, I think PS2 games will most likely still be on PSN. So backwards compatibility shouldn't be an issue, however my thoughts are it's unlikely Sony will actually focus on PS2 titles since it's a bit dated. But then again I could be wrong since they did the whole PS1 thing. If Sony wants to go to the route of an "Ultimate Console" (Plays PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4-Neo Titles) If that were the case I think Sony will win a lot of people over in the console war for nostalgia. Neo is expected to be revealed during E3 2017 so there is still quite a bit of time to improve and upgrade on Sony's end.
  11. Hello, I've decided to create this thread to discuss the new xbox console. What changes would you like to see different in the Scorpio compared to the current Xbox One? Not much information is known about the new Xbox Scorpio besides that it will be a "Major update to the current Xbox One" What do you think about the Scorpio? Based on Teraflops the Xbox One runs at 1.32 according to Polygon, the Scorpio is rumored to run at roughly 6 Teraflops. Compared to Sony's PlayStation Neo running at an estimated 4.14. Thoughts?
  12. Pls M$, don't make us rebuy all of our games... o.o I won't buy the next box if that's the case.
  13. Anime - Erased Azaxx opinion? Or Drizzy?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Drizzy_Dan


      Hmm, good point. That didn't make it any less enjoyable for me though. I didn't think it was great but knowing how didn't really make a difference to me.

    3. Delpen9


      That's not a good argument against the quality of the story. Many things are left unexplained because that's not the direction the plot wanted to go in. The issue arises only when the viewer wanted an answer to that plot point, but I was satisfied without it.


    4. Azaxx


      If a story cannot explain the plot device that was used to drive the story, then it's poorly written and lazy.

      It is impossible to be objectively satisfied with a story that refuses to explain a plot device then continues to use it over and over.

  14. Your sarcasm never ceases to amaze me, Fishy.
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