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Everything posted by Melody

  1. Hello! Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your time here, feel free to stick around. We all are pretty friendly.
  2. Love each day like it's your last.

    1. Fishy


      Or... Now read this right...


      Or... I can love everyone forever. Even Cabbage.

    2. Melody


      No, Fishy. Just no, that wasn't what I was getting at.

    3. JoeStone42


      Is mayonnaise an instrument?

  3. It's just a stupid boulder!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr Kittens and Gibberish

      Mr Kittens and Gibberish

      Your both wrong! Its a pebble.

    3. Akali


      It's just misunderstood

    4. joshyzburton


      It is all of those things! Caboostring theory!

  4. Hey Yang! Hope you're doing well. :hugz:

    1. Akali


      Hey Bubbles! I'm doing good right now, you? :hugz:

  5. Why did the baseball song "Buy us some peanuts and crackerjacks" or commonly known by "Take me out to the ball game" become so popular?
  6. Dog, I already have way too many cats. >.> Would you rather win a cruse ship vacation? or A new car?
  7. Finally made it to level 150 on my Xenon! :D #MapleStory #Achievements

    1. Akali


      I have no clue if that's an achievement or not... So congrats! I guess :/ :P

  8. True, but shortly after she became a moderator. Not saying they have any connection, but it could be the reason why she has one. [The reason why she picked Hello Kitty? The world may never know.] (And no I never suggested that she would do it.)
  9. You're right, which is why most likely it will never happen. When I said "uneeded" I think of something that's not an important asset to the forum, although emotes are just for fun anyway so there is really no point if they add them or not. I do not expect my mom wish to be made just because I asked for it. Even I know it's a silly thing to request.
  10. I guess I would say hi to Keko, but I still like dragon too. Would you rather become a dog? or a Cat?
  11. Terrible day today unfortunately, see ya guys later.

    1. Akali


      Want to talk to me about it? I'll understand if you don't want to. I'm a little down myself anyway

    2. Sniper0092
  12. Play every instrument. (I play piano and violin, just thought I'd share that) Would you rather relive a day in your life over and over for an entire normal year without end until that year is over? or.. Would you rather sing every song that you hear out loud wherever you are randomly every 10 minutes for 1 week? (Only happens when you are awake, so sleeping isn't an issue. Unless you want to dream about the song. xD)
  13. I got a new lace hairband today! :D

  14. teleportation! would you rather wear pink lip stick and sing Barbie Girl by Aqua and post a video of you singing on youtube without removing the video. (You may remove the lip stick after the entire song is complete.) or.. would you rather be stuck inside a sound-proof glass box somehow magically playing the worst songs in existence from inside for an entire day.
  15. I swear my kid sister is such a troublemaker.

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