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Everything posted by Melody

  1. They wouldn't I think.. It's kinda complicated because I was raised differently than him and my family wants me to find a guy who meets their standards, as silly as it sounds I'm embarrassed to confront my family about it because I have a feeling of how they are going to react. My parents were always over protective so this is just another thing they have against me dating someone who I like. The whole public thing ties into the situation because some of the people who know me are also my parents friends who would likely tell my mother that I'm dating someone. Not saying I rely on my parents permission because I'm grown, but it's a feeling that I'm uneasy with.
  2. I'm shy being around him, especially in public. But it doesn't have to do with him I'm just scared about what people will think. In my hometown I have a lot of people that know me, so I guess I'm really shy about what they might think. I don't know how to explain it to him without hurting his feelings. It's more me then him when it comes to being shy, he's really out-going so he doesn't quite understand. :/
  3. Melody


    Sigs made my me or by my friends.
  4. Melody


    From the album: Signatures/Gifts

    Signature made by me, Melody.
  5. Melody

    Forum Stuff

    Random Things that happen on the forums
  6. Melody

    Ew GSD Poo

    From the album: Forum Stuff

    Kinda funny.
  7. Melody

    XD Shoutbox

    From the album: Forum Stuff

    Shoutbox fun, lol.
  8. Banned because everyone has weaknesses, no one is perfect.
  9. Snow, I could wear a tanktop I guess. Would you rather be trapped in a elevator for a whole day, or go to a Justin Bieber and be forced to listen and 'enjoy' the music and the fans?
  10. Cage. (Super claustrophobic) Would you rather be shrunk to the size of a mouse for 1 day, or become giant (Jack and the Beanstalk giant) for 1 day?
  11. They want you to play with them, to guess who is next. ;p Yang?
  12. I never thought I would be so happy to get 25gb a month of internet! Thank goodness I don't have to live with 10 anymore!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. rrhuntington


      You haven't felt the true hurt! *The other promise plays loudly*

    3. Jack Of Harts

      Jack Of Harts

      Do any providers at all have an unlimited download option in your area?

    4. Melody


      @Jack No, they don't unfortunately.. I wish, I could actually play on PSN if we did. lol.

  13. What happened to your profile music? :o

    1. MCPO Mayh3m

      MCPO Mayh3m

      It turned into Rocky!

    2. MCPO Mayh3m

      MCPO Mayh3m

      I need new music but have no good ideas...

    3. Melody


      Oh, I see. You probably wouldn't like the music I listen to haha.

  14. Hello everyone! ^_^ I'm back to myself now no need to worry. xD Love you Caboose.

  15. Thanks for the heads up Red, spoilers are the worst.
  16. Just remember Yang, I will have my revenge in due time. :)

  17. I dare you to say you love sonic in a status update. What was one funny moment you had on the forum?
  18. Since I'm caboose, I need someone to take my place. No but seriously, I dare you to write an 'article worthy' topic about Sonic 06. At the very least must be 6 paragraphs long, 5 to 6 sentences per paragraph, with at least 2 in game images. Also just to make things funny change this to your profile picture for 3 hours. http://i.imgur.com/1WSkIOg.jpg
  19. I love Yang Xiao Long - For his wonderful dares. WOLOLOLOLO Please don't hurt me caboose.. ;-; I love Jack of Harts - For being artsy and whatnot. I love Wam - For being funny. I love Caboose The Ace - For being the supreme overlord of the galaxy, he is truly the best person to be fit for president, and ruler of planet Earth. Caboose The Ace is a inspiration to us all, but most importantly is his outstanding popularity on the forum, if you are not Caboose The Ace, then you want to be Caboose The Ace. -1? More like over 9000. Caboose The Ace is the absolute best in every way possible. He also has sooo much more time online than Jack of Harts it's outstanding as to how his greatness comes! One day Caboose will rule as forum president, it's just a matter of time. Finally, Caboose The Ace is sooooo x9000 times better than Hello Kitty AND Eevee. There is absolutely no end to his supreme greatness, Caboose The Ace inspires us all with his incredible love for MGS. Hello Kitty and Eevee stand no chance against a Moose-Sized Caboose, or even 10 Geese-Sized Cabeese! This is quite possibly the strangest dare I ever had to do...
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