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Everything posted by Melody

  1. Cookies, and then decided not..
  2. ​Banned, for absolutely positively no reason what so ever.
  3. Username: Melody (Formerly BubblePopX3) (Nickname: Bubbles) (Real name: Katelyn) Usergroup: Dedicated Join Date: December 19, 2013 (Thanks for the Christmas cheer on my introduction post!) Member Title: Graceful Butterfly Time on Online: 48d 17h 16m 5s Likability: 434 Active Posts: 517 Awards: 14 Font of Choice: Comic Sans Colour of Choice: Light pink Site Friends / IRL Friends: [ 30 ] / (7) Site Achievements: Top 10 [awarded 4 times within a year or so] (Proud founder of the kinda popular forum game 'Truth or Dare'.) {Proud supporter of Hello Kitty!} *Thanks Ash. * Something you don't know about me: I love photography, and just about any cartoon out there. (Cartoon Network being my favourite.) Signature(s):
  4. Still here, just inactive-ish.

  5. Thanks? I guess? Despite what I do on the forum, it's not entirely about Hello Kitty and Eevee. Interesting MoM post.
  6. Ugh, I strongly dislike thunder storms. Not only do I get frightened but my pets do as well.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Delpen9


      Are you afraid of storms? because I'm lightning. KA-CHOW!!!

    3. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      Sorry, but I need to train my thunder spells sometimes now don't I?

    4. Wam


      You're a thunder storm, Melody.

  7. I dare you to ask TD in his ask thread why he doesn't love pandas, and make him go into great detail about the history of pandas in China, and I think southeast Asia as well.
  8. Nice breeze out today, almost soothing.

  9. My second year will be the 19th of December.
  10. Possible, but then a butterfly...
  11. Pretty sure the mods fixed that.
  12. Just letting you guys know I'll be inactive for a while playing a online game on my pc. Since it's like the only one I can play without it killing my bandwidth, and I actually enjoy it.

    1. Melody


      It's MapleStory for those who are curious. Although, if you hate games where a lot of people pay to win then I wouldn't recommend it.

    2. depressant
  13. Moosed-sized Caboose. (He wouldn't hit me. ) Woulf you rather eat only meat for the rest of your life? or be a vegetarian for the rest of your life?
  14. How's it going today C-Mods?

  15. *fancy robot voice* "Does not compute".. >.< 1. Is a Zebra white with black stripes? or Black with white stripes? 2. How come no one makes bubblegum that can actually keep it flavor for long periods of time? 3. If a guy wanted to take me to the movies, but we only just met, how would I go about trying to feel comfortable? (Strange question yes, I know.)
  16. I'm not feeling well today. :/

    1. Akali


      Nuu! Hope you get better soon Bubbles :hugz:

    2. Delpen9


      but Well feels you.

    3. Twinreaper


      well that stinks. feel better soon!

  17. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/41335-so-heres-a-thing/?p=372325
  18. So I need to say something, I dislike the forum it's much too blue! There needs to be so much more pink, and cuteness. The only reason why I stay here is for the noble member Caboose! His light leads the way out of the dark pit of despair.
  19. Praise Caboose! (I doubt I will ever leave, I love the forum and the members too much to do so..) Would you rather be stuck in a caboose with caboose? or Fight a moose as a goose with caboose? Caboose
  20. conversation Would you rather become any animal for a whole year? or Be inside any video game world for one year?
  21. Uhh, like poke someone in a playful manner with your finger? or Push someone in a playful manner with you hands? Also, since I had to repeat the question again I would also like to know why the Sonic Adventure level involving Amy in Twinkle Park, why was that robot so creepy? ;-;
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