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Everything posted by Melody

  1. Then a magical unicorn appeared...
  2. I have trained you well my young apprentice, but there is much more you need to know. Also dare! This game being revived beings a tear to my eye. ;-;
  3. Small profile changes, any suggestions guys?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wam


      An online shrine dedicated to Ash. That or add a few colors here and there.

    3. Melody


      No shrines guys, lol.

    4. Akali


      Do a post about Twam, and the greatness of the forums :P

  4. Congratulations on Legendary Twin! :hugz:

    1. Twinreaper


      why ty darlin. Still not used to this mustard color yet lol :hugz back:

  5. Hope you like Hello Kitty. I dare you to use Ash's emote at least 10 times in the shoutbox, but not in the same sentence.
  6. Guess what I got? They are gummy and yummy and kinda shaped like an animal. ^.^

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Akali


      Giant gummy animal things! I have no clue what they have over there :/

    3. Maestro


      Those gummy vampire fangs found around Halloween?

    4. Melody


      Gummy Bears! :3

  7. Okay! (I can totally make evil truths too! ;p ) What was one embarrassing moment you had in a large public setting? (Events, Meetings, concerts, etc.)
  8. Hehe, my evilness is shining through once again. I dare you to make a status update saying that you love Caboose and always enjoy having him around and can't wait for him to return. Oh and without locking it either. Wanna dare Yang?
  9. I would like to sign up just for fun! If I happen to win I'll randomly give out my code. :3
  10. How many different types of vegetables, fruits, and natural wild edibles (wild edible plants) exist in the world?
  11. So umm, blonde is really cute.

    1. Fishy


      Better on you than Ash. ^_^ (Although Ash's looks good too.)

    2. Ash
  12. Banned because in this topic everyone is a pretend mod banning each other for fun.
  13. What was one way you changed someone's day? (Made it better / Worse) Aww thanks.
  14. What if... Fishy was really a fish plotting some evil scheme to brainwash everyone on the forum and take it over for himself! :o

    1. Akali


      What if... This theory is correct? O_O

    2. depressant


      What if... We build a secret militia to stop him? >_<

    3. Fishy


      But first, I'm making bacon pancakes.

  15. How is everyone doing? ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ShadowFiend216


      School starts back up in a few days... so, kinda not happy.

    3. Melody


      @Fishy I'm doing pretty good. :)


      @Shadow Aww, that stinks.. :/ At least you will get to see your friends though!

    4. Wam


      In High School, noone's friends with anyone.

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