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Everything posted by Melody

  1. Ooooh, cool! Looks really interesting. (Wish I could read Japanese.. T.T) So pokemon Z may be a thing afterall? Possibly considering they are adding new pokemon now. That was Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire. Pokemon Fire Red and Leaf Green had a NES (Or SNES depending on the version of the game JP)
  2. Ooh, sorry wrong answer. Hm... Arbiter? Batman? Jack? Kakashi?
  3. Yes. BATMAN! I can like whoever I want! T.T What are you? The like police? Jk. <3
  4. Banned because not all carrots are evil.. *watches the fire burn*
  5. What types of seashells can you find that's not in the ocean, but are not small?
  6. Cabeese news? Interesting! Woo Hoo! No level caps!
  7. You forgot to guess BATMAN Jack of Hartz
  8. I would give you a truth or a dare, but I made a pledge not to dare Staff. :/ What is your favourite classic movie?
  9. Paramore! ♥

    1. joshyzburton


      Meh...They're alright

    2. Melody


      Meh they are awesome!

    3. Fishy


      Meh haven't listened to them.

  10. Ninjas wanted their candy back...
  11. (Late reply sorry) That gif or whatever you posted is a real pokemon game running on the NX? I was confused the first time I seen it.
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