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Everything posted by Melody

  1. I was going to post that video link... So here instead is my favorite Halo TV Trailer. So here's my favorite cut scene from the Last of Us, yes I know it's not Halo but it tugs at your heart strings. I was going to show the death of his daughter Sarah but it's pretty brutal and really sad, so nope.
  2. You've got guts, I'll give you that.. but alas it's just little ol' me. PWN!
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Akali


      And I think throwing balls at girls in general is weird... They might be a little spooked

    3. Delpen9


      We live in the 21st century. Anything goes.

    4. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      Some of the best comments I've seen on any status update.

  3. 5.5/10 Same as the last time I've seen you!
  4. -____________________________________________________________________________________- bleh

    1. Akali



  5. Nope. How about some one from the art dept?
  6. You fall down seven more times, I'll be there seven, eight, nine!

    1. Guts


      As we keep trying, we’ll find, we’re always singing the same tune!

  7. Nope, random Melody reporting for duty. Jack.
  8. I agree, however I noticed this even back in late 2016 and pretty much most of 2017. The bitter truth is that the Halo fanbase is slowly dying and people only come here when: - A new Halo game is released. - Misinformed that this isn't the real 343 website. Besides from that it's just been the same 'regulars' who stuck around for all of these years, just to name a few.. Halofollower, Drizzy, RSR, Fishy, Yoshi, etc. Basically it is what it is, the fact the forum is pretty much like the badlands from Borderlands at this point is because of the lack of interest in Halo anymore, plain and simple.
  9. Hello there neighbor

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      I will hello back as long as you don't have a mustache, and death-chase me around the neighborhood

  10. Of course! I sent you a message in your inbox.
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