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Everything posted by Melody

  1. Soooo May Top 15/10 or whatever still a thing?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Delpen9


      You've all been bad. There will be no top 15.

    3. rrhuntington


      There will only be top 1, and it will be the Destructs. We are one, you are alone. Join and you get all the awards!

    4. Pbrabbit


      Lol the destructs..

  2. Hi there! Welcome to our lovely community forums! If you need any help you can contact a Community Moderator for help. We have a section to promote clans in the clans/advertisement category.
  3. Melody


    Ooooh! neat! I love the design, nice work Fishy.
  4. Snipe them (Snipers are great to pick off the enemy) Don't rush (Take your time, don't rush head on) Shotguns (Useful for close quarters) Assault Rifle [burst Fire] (Slowly burst at a enemy for maximum effectiveness) Hammer Happy! (Gravity Hammer) [sMASH them to bits!] Yep, solid advice. xD
  5. I wish I could get some Halo Mega Bloks. :/ Still really neat, have you considered making shorts? Like the Lego animated video shorts? I know they're on youtube, lol.
  6. Ooooh, I like these! Anime guys are always cute. :3 What happened to the first guy's eye? kinda confused by that.
  7. Elsword Online is so fun, lol.

  8. Such a dull day today.. *Sigh*

  9. Hm, interesting. Looks kinda neat. Know any good 'out of map' glitches?
  10. Roughly €93.46 - At least that's what google told me. xD How much money does the United States owe China?
  11. Does this mean SAO could be possible in the future? But seriously that is so amazing, first we start from controllers or whatever, now we can use our MIND! xD That's a leap in technology for sure! Sounds really neat, can't wait to learn more about it. Thanks for the news.
  12. I would like to nominate Ash. *Also I would like to be removed from the election due to inactivity on the forum.* **Vote withdrawed member nominated twice.**
  13. Banned for banning him for the reason of being previously banned from many bans ago.
  14. Finally someone guessed it right. Arbiter?
  15. Does anyone call you by a funny nickname on this forum? If so what is it? Also, can I call you by a funny nickname.
  16. Strange, I come back from a short break to see a new orange! Delightful news! Keep up the good work Director!
  17. Finally back after a unannounced leave.

  18. I never liked The Simpsons, so no I do not think it will last because of the fact the show is old as umm dirt. xD
  19. I did read the title, no reason to be rude about it.
  20. Very nice list! If Halo Wars had half that stuff I would actually play the game. xD Needs more troop settings.
  21. What is the longest recorded time for someone to hold their breath underwater without any outside support? (No, Machines, Oxygen pumps etc..)
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