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Everything posted by Melody

  1. Can't it be a fewer amount?
  2. I would like another dare please.
  3. Günter Grass passes away today, age 87.

  4. Still waiting for Mirror's Edge 2.. :/

    1. RAI Callion

      RAI Callion

      Ikr, my friend and I played Mirror's Edge and loved it, once I told him about Mirror's Edge 2 (3 years ago) they announced it...

    2. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      That makes two of us...

    3. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      I've saved up to pre-order it. The upcoming Mirror's Edge for the new generation will apparently not be a sequel to the first, might just be a well done remake.

  5. I would pay the amount in which I paid for the game to play as Master Chief. (About 60€)
  6. Banned for being dark blue. (It would look better if it was a bit lighter colour of blue.)
  7. How do you spot your spambots: I've only seen threads that contain spam, not much of members themselves. Do you always report them? Usually I try to, sometimes I wouldn't know how to describe it in the report besides saying "spam I think". What do you guys think of these new SpamBots that use real-ish names? Now that you mention it, I've noticed more of those lately.. The only thing I have to say about that is, it's a shame they want to spam instead of taking time to become a helpful and fun member here. Honestly I do not understand why people decide to spam.
  8. Are there anymore updates on the Spring Update? Also how come GSD doesn't talk often, I know he's busy and stuff, but not even for a little while?
  9. Too bad you don't trust me with dares any more I had some pretty lovely ones planned. :/ Kay' How do you feel about cute things? also what are somethings you think are cute?
  10. Congratulations BATMAN! I remember when I got 200 post xD. I was so happy then I found out that Dedicated was 500 then I was like.. "yeah umm no.." xD.
  11. Mew! :3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. joshyzburton
    3. ShadowFiend216
    4. ShadowFiend216


      Wait, oh crap, dang it Twin, I didn't realize you said it already..... I feel ridiculous.

  12. Profile pic for 2 days. http://images1.fanpop.com/images/photos/1600000/clover-totally-spies-1617747-640-480.jpg
  13. Yeah, lol. Kinda had a crush on that guy for awhile..
  14. My internet kinda upsets me at times, I'm actually afraid to speak in the shoutbox in fear of repeating the same thing over and over unintentionally. :/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      Repeat yourself FOR EMPHASIS! DO IT BOLDY!

    3. Composite Armour
    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Actually, even if it appears as repeated to you, the others won't see it that way.

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