Who else did you expect to ruin the game? He was Staff the entire time, I was just waiting and watching for him to smeeze it.
(This is why I have Staff trust issues. xD)
I dare you to create a thread about how much you love Eevee, must be at least 300 words or more. Also use this as your profile picture for 1 day. http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/238/1/e/the_cute_eevee_by_sonicisnumber1-d5chklz.jpg
Hm, so you figured it out did you? You knew I wanted to get rid of both but you couldn't keep that mouth closed could you? (I'm just kidding, but I didn't want to change my vote because I remembered what happened when someone did in the election.) :/
Easy, I always wanted to be a hair stylist, you know beauty stuff. But I changed my mind because I have a passion for helping children. (I specialize as a children's nurse, But I can do both. )