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Everything posted by Melody

  1. Hopefully people will treat each other in a respectful manner, "Do unto others as others would do unto you."
  2. What was the funniest thing you done in public that made you look silly? How many people have you banned on the forums?
  3. Ah, I knew it was something else couldn't remember if it was Live-Action or not still looks really neat. Yes, fingers crossed for Halo anime!
  4. Welcome to our community forums! If you have any questions you can ask just about any member here or ask a Community Moderator for help as well. Hope you stick around! Cheers!
  5. Microsoft talked about a Halo TV series coming in their press conference, although I do not know much about it, I hope they make more anime series like in the Halo: Legends movie. I'm big fan of anime, so if they were to do that I would watch a lot of the series, but I wouldn't know until I actually watch it for myself.
  6. Dare Me. Ash, take one more Dare please.
  7. I really want the hornet to come back, soooo fun in Halo Reach getting your friends, flying around racking up points/kills. Oh, it was lovely.
  8. Sprint has been a part of Halo for many years now, I don't think 343 will remove it just because some of their fans are complaining about it. What's the big deal anyway? So a player can sprint? Think about real life military, even those soldiers can sprint even with all that gear on. Seriously is 'sprint' really a game breaker? If anything it helps the game move smoothly and faster.
  9. I think the Halo 5 forge is going to be great! Maybe not exactly like Halo 4, or Halo Reach, but the Xbox One should be able to handle more content.
  10. Ever since 343 made updates in order to fix MCC, mine has been running much smoother. Although I still have trouble getting into games even now with the new patches. So yes, some searches take longer than others.
  11. Well I see two outcomes to this, 1. The Halo community will expand with new players ready to enjoy a new experience (Not sure it would be good or bad) 2. Current Halo players might hate it, so 343 will lose some of the 'loyal' players. Now if you think about the previous Halo games, they all have a unique gameplay addition to it. So change might be good, no one wants to play a game that just re-makes the same thing over and over again without much changes OR in CoDs case horrible new changes that breaks the game. I might be the only person to say this but I'm actually happy for new changes.
  12. In what way are battle rifles OP? I use them typically get about 5 bursts out and get a kill, so what's the big deal? To me that's not really OP. The DMR and the Battle Rifle had differences in Halo 4 but that doesn't make a weapon OP all of a sudden.
  13. I would suggest deleting the save file and start over if it continues. That should work, if not then I don't know.
  14. I'll take a Dare I suppose. (Please no 1 week stuff, kinda busy)
  15. Sooo kinda like a zombie gametype but with flood?
  16. Which do you prefer? Xbox One, or PS4?
  17. Hehe! :3 I dare you to address Azaxx as Azy-San in the shoutbox and forums for 3 days.
  18. Dare. What was the funniest prank you and a friend done to someone?
  19. Guaranteed I will be the only nominee that doesn't make a promotional topic.
  20. To be fair, I'm not doing this as a serious thing. It's pretty much just a game, so what does propaganda, or slogans have to do with it? Idealism? I don't mind the whole 'Go for Yoshi thing' because honestly I just wanted to do it for fun, seeing how this has became a dispute on who is the most qualified is absurd. Honestly I don't really care if I win or not, I just wanted to try it for the fun of it. I can see members wanting someone who has been on the forums for a while and who is trustworthy, I understand that. So if that's the case, then just vote for Yoshi. I'd rather not be against 2 members whom people would rather have and who are serious about a game.
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