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Everything posted by Melody

  1. Done. I dare you to call Azaxx your best friend and you would do almost anything for him. Then say, "Azaxx is love, Azaxx is life."
  2. Have you ever had a crush on anyone on this forum? Also, Dare me!
  3. Okay this is embarrassing.. 1 day? Oh, and Truth or Dare?
  4. I dare you to say your favorite soda in the shout box with all caps and tell why you love it so much and keep saying yummy after every time you describe it. AND change your profile picture to Hello Kitty for 1 day.
  5. Yes, one time I wanted to see a movie with one of my old boyfriends and I got in trouble the day before for being alone in a room with him. (Over protective parents) :/ Anyway, my dad got really upset and I got grounded again from seeing him.
  6. Unfortunately we are not the real 343i, this is simply a fan forum. I would suggest going to HaloWaypoint.com and explaining your issue on their forums for further assistance.
  7. Have you ever sneaked out of your parent's house when you were grounded? Also I'll take a Truth.
  8. Who is your favorite female member on the forum?
  9. I understand, I dare you to tell everyone in the shout box your favorite snack in all caps. Have you ever farted in public around a lot of people, and what did you do?
  10. I dare you to tell everyone in the shout box your deepest secret. (Nothing bad kay?)
  11. One day a man came in drunk, and I had to escort him out of the hospital with his pants down just wearing his underwear. < True story.. What was the most romantic gift you have given to a girlfriend?
  12. Yes. I dare you to tell everyone in the shout box that anime is love, anime is life.
  13. I dare you to tell everyone your greatest fear in a status update. I dare you to tell everyone you love Ash in a status update. xD
  14. My first date with a boy was at Sucare Et Sel. Little restaurant in Berlin. It was very lovely. We actually had a good time.
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