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Everything posted by Melody

  1. Congratulations! Enjoy your MoM, (By the way it's fun reading your post, you seem like a cool person to discuss topics with.) Cheers!
  2. OMG Half Life 3???!!!!11!!! *Fan girl crys* Hmph, cool I guess.
  3. Welcome to our lovely community forums! If you have any questions you can ask a member or a Community Moderator for help. Hope you stick around, and hope to see you sometime in the future.
  4. Kinda late to reply but, welcome back!
  5. 1. How long have you been a member of the forum? 2. If there was one thing you could change to make the forum better what would it be? Two questions sir.
  6. Banned for thinking it was going to end when a lot of people enjoy it.
  7. *Waits on top of hill with a sniper rifle* Banned for hiding.
  8. What inspired you to become a community moderator for the community forums?
  9. *Picks up Spartan Laser* Banned because I'm charging my laser, *Pew Pew*.
  10. If you could be any animal for a day what would you be?
  11. Banned because I'm going to ask The Director to change my name back.
  12. I would like to point out we are not 343 industries, we are simply a community forum. 343i did say they are working to fix all the bugs, give them time. If you would not like to wait then I would recommend playing a different game.
  13. Please wait, I know it kinda stinks but they are squishing all the bugs right now. It will be up and running in no time, I'm sure they have their team working on the issues.
  14. Banned for doughnuts. (Even though doughnuts are pretty good.)
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