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Everything posted by Melody

  1. Hi there! Welcome to our lovely community forum! If you have any questions you can ask a community moderator for help, or other members will be happy to help you as well. Have a great time here and hope you stay with us lovely bunch.
  2. I don't think they are completely dead, a large amount? Yes. But "Dead" No.
  3. Bloodline is going to be awesome. Looks like a very fun map, with a bit of new stuff now. Bloodline for me.
  4. Sooo, a new human vehicle? Looks neat, can't wait to see if it's actually in Halo 5. New stuff is always fun.
  5. ♥♥♥ Halo will beat Destiny, I know it will. ♥♥♥
  6. I loved how Nobel 6 could be customized to your liking, the cut seens with your own character was cool. So, yes I think it would be pretty cool if they done that again.
  7. Personally, I think all vehicles should be put in. Everyone knows the Halo community has a great forge community with unique map ideas as well that could use some of those vehicles. Also another thing that could be increased is the limit of how many items you can build.
  8. Woah, that's a lot to download. I'll probably buy the retail copy and just update and stuffs then. First.
  9. We are not 343i, if you want to talk about this issue to them I would suggest going to their forums on HaloWaypoint.com -Also just to let you know Bungie gave it away as a goodbye gift from leaving the Halo series. So 343 probably will not give it out to anyone anymore.
  10. I live in the UK as well, from what I heard is the PAL version of MCC will have a language option, in my case Dutch will be my language for my game. But to answer your question, yes. I'm pretty sure they will have a language selection you can customize to your native language.
  11. Yes what Peanut said, they probably will not remove it. It's easy to kill them anyway though so I wouldn't worry to much about it.
  12. Welcome to our lovely forums, don't be shy all of us are pretty friendly. Hope you stick around.
  13. I think it's kinda weird, but cool at the same time. So does this mean a girly Thor now? xD
  14. With the Master Chief Collection coming quite soon, you may have your wish. Play Halo 2 Anniversary mutiplayer and enjoy it. That's probably the closest you will get to a umm, "Classic Experience." except with HD and goodies of course.
  15. Cortana, because she helps Chief through thick and thin.
  16. I don't think I'll be able to participate in such an event for two reasons. 1. Quite lengthy. 2. I'm not active everyday, considering I have to go to work and do not return home until late at night. Although I like this, it will help members to stay active and join in on everyday topics. This being said, I'm out, but I wish everyone luck who is participating.
  17. There is a article on this kind of thing in the forums. Here: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/37942-halo-the-master-chief-collection-day-one-playlists/ Hope this link is allowed, if not then remove. It's not offsite so I think I can put here.
  18. The map pack DLC achievements are a bit glitchy. It may take a few trys doing the same thing to get them. Trust me, that's how I had to get them. On top of that, at one point after the DLCs came out it would give me random achievements which I wasn't trying to earn.
  19. Hehe, like my pun? XD But yeah, I see what you mean. That would be pretty cool.
  20. Oooooh! Very nice! All the maps are beautiful! ♥♥♥ I can't wait until the game comes out. I will relive my Halo 2 days with my boyfriend. ~Didn't really fly the Hornet before sooo, yay? I'll try it out.
  21. Hate to burst your bubble, but they pretty much already said that.
  22. I believe sprinting makes the game move faster, in which makes games swift and fun to play. Therefore keep sprint in the game, besides I would believe you could run in one of those suits regardless of what ability you choose to take. But that's just my opinion.
  23. Ooooh, very nice! Enjoy your time in the pink.
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