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Everything posted by Melody

  1. You guys know this post was from January right? Just checking...
  2. Hmm, very cool! I didn't know that new character was a boy, considering from the waist I thought it was a girl xD. Awesome article!
  3. Hello HaloCatalog, welcome to the 343i community forums. Hope to see you around!
  4. First of all, we are a fan site and not 343i or Bungie. Now about your question I wouldn't know to tell you the truth, the halo books never really made that much since to me.
  5. I have both, although I used heart attack when I played. I personally don't like the effects, seems as though you'll get spotted easier with flashy effects.
  6. Lol, is he being serious? Look we are not 343i and even if we were no one gets free level-ups without earning them first. Just play for fun anyway it's not like rank matters anyway. I stopped playing Reach at Brigadier, and that's not even that high of level.
  7. Cool, I love these screenshots. May I ask how you take them and post them though? I know you could with Bungie Pro but...
  8. Meh, no big deal. I don't change my name anyway.
  9. Maybe 343i was too lazy! But seriously I have no idea. Humans have theirs, and Covenant have theirs.
  10. Sniper Rifle, but if it comes to a snapshot Beam Rifle.
  11. Halo 4 - Battle Rifle, Halo Reach - DMR, Halo 3 - Sniper Rifle, Halo 2 - Scarab Gun, Halo CE - Assault Rifle. That's my list.
  12. Are you sure it was a cheat or lag?
  13. There's nothing you can really do about that, just play and enjoy the game for what it is. Or of course as the men said above you can play previous Halo titles.
  14. Wow you're pretty good! I've had some good games myself, although I can't record any games I play.
  15. You can always use it against stronger enemies, besides that it's good for stopping vehicles.
  16. Yeah the campaign was pretty easy, I only died a couple of times. But still I really liked the campaign. Except the part where cortana died...
  17. If you could be inside any Anime what would it be, and what would your character be? As for myself I would like to be Hideyoshi from Battle Girls Time Paradox, I loved that anime and I think it would be really cool to live in past Japan, and experience all the major leaders of the shows history. Oh and plus the show is really cute.
  18. Yeah they should keep it in the game, I mean how else am I going to kick immature boys who keep betraying me, that goes for anyone else who has to deal with annoying people. Besides I like how I can kick them from the game if the are doing these things to me.
  19. Pretty much as everyone else said, they could make it as a "Classic DLC" of sorts.
  20. Hmm, interesting you have some good points. Although somethings you listed is a bit odd. For example the vehicle ideas were strange, some good, but I don't really get the "grizzly tank" idea. But I also really loved Invasion, but that was Bungie's idea, not saying 343 couldn't do it, but I doubt they would make it again. For the most part though I love some of your ideas, although some just don't seem to fit in Halo.
  21. Okay I love Nintendo, the games, the consoles, but the Nintendo 2ds really disappointed me. Yes, I know it's a more kid-friendly console. But still, I mean the thing doesn't even look good. I did not buy it, but I got the chance to play one at my cousins house. It's big, blocky, and doesn't even fold down like a normal DS or 3ds would. What do you guys think about this new 2ds?
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