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Posts posted by Dawn

  1. Implementing this suggestion would turn Halo into a modern Perfect Dark clone and would completely abandon two core gameplay mechanics that have been utilized for the entirety of the series. If you want to replicate the lack of recharging shields, you can activate the Black Eye skull. Otherwise, I don't think this would be a good idea.

    I Agree with you! But I would have no problems with being able to tweak the game to have these settings in Custom Games on Halo 5! We should be able to recreate a entirely different game with the amount of options given to us in Halo 5. Similar to Halo Custom Edition.



  2. Scarecrow was always my favorite villain! I really hope they make his encounters like they were in Arkham Asylum! I am so excited about the Bat mobile but I hope they don't under-scale it to fit the city, or over-scale the city to match the vehicular combat. They need to find that goldilocks sweet spot, that's just right. I can not wait for this!  :D

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  3. It would be an all out war. But in the end, the UNSC would win... I mean we had over 500+ years to work on, and improve our combat, and weaponry. Modern day Military vs UNSC would be like the Native American tribes battling 21st century army.


    With the use of Nukes, we could put up a great fight, but at what cost?

  4. I just pray they don't turn it into call of duty... God only knows how many games there are like it out there and halo failed miserably at trying to imitate it. Besides that's all we need is another COD or cheap COD knockoff...



    Fella's working on Titanfall, keep it original, keep it simple, and please, please, for the love of god don't make it a annual yearly cycle game...

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