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Posts posted by joshyzburton

  1. You are entitled to your opinion, however that rule is there for a reason. While you may not have realised it because of your bias towards intelligence and adult humour, some clans out there have codes of conduct, indeed some military clans do not allow abusive language, and some Clan Leaders or higher ups, moderate behaviour according to what they feel is appropriate. I have had people interested in our clan but have declined because the language that is occasionally used is potentially offensive and they themselves have chosen to be in previous clans that did not allow that kind of language, we try not to tweak everyone into a vanilla definition of perfect.


    We put that rule in place because as much as young people do grow quickly, some parents may not be comfortable with the language that could be thrown towards their children by fellow clan friends. If a young person feels that age should not be a barrier and wants to put a case forward that they should be exempt from that rule, they can message me as others have done and been accepted. 


    If young people these days choose to educate themselves beyond their years, that is their choice. We do not have to accelerate that process. 


    I see...A reasonable justification, I can understand what you are saying and will now leave you alone.


  2. Easy, Option 2 I would much rather play videogames all day...


    Would you rather be tasked with infiltrating north korea to assassinate the current dictator or be imprisoned in area 51 with 5 humanoid English speaking cellmates  from different planets

    (I would say you would feel pretty alienated after either)

  3. Option 1, the game gets boring if it loses its ability to provide people with different styles of play.


    Would you rather kill 5000 people to save your family or let your family die at the hands of joker from 'Batman' and save 7 thousand people?


    Is my question really that difficult?


    I have impressed myself if you are just finding it difficult to answer.


  4. I hope it has Halo-like customisation for your Titan! Also, they need to give us a wider variety of weapons. How about mini dual-wieldable weapons? So you'll have two types of weapon to choose from; single-wielded powerful weapons or two less powerful weapons!


    I admit that would give me reason to buy titanfall and it would add more variety to the game. Good point bruh.


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