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Everything posted by joshyzburton

  1. Your background is SAO...That's all I have to say.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. joshyzburton


      I only just noticed haha :)

    3. Akali


      You didn't notice my old profile picture either? That was SAO as well :P

    4. joshyzburton


      Wow, I feel like such a derp lol

  2. Welcome to the forums Mark... from Belgium
  3. Should I get this game? I have heard of it but I'm not sure....
  4. Halo, it had less pathetic excuses for games in it's series than the other two (The joke is the Halo series has more than one game the others do not).
  5. Option 1, the game gets boring if it loses its ability to provide people with different styles of play. Would you rather kill 5000 people to save your family or let your family die at the hands of joker from 'Batman' and save 7 thousand people?
  6. I came here for evil...I was sorely disappointed...But ummm interesting story I guess
  7. Noragami is best anime 2015...Don't argue, you can't, nay you are not allowed because my opinion is fact.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Azaxx


      That's not how you spell Tsukimonogatari or Cross Ange

    3. Drizzy_Dan


      Dude Noragami is from 2014 so I have every right to tell you you are wrong

    4. joshyzburton


      I said 2014 before but my friend told me to say 2015, cause I'm stupid I followed his advice

  8. Titan from AoT...I don't want to be anywhere near a cockroach that could squash me. Would you rather be stuck in a world that you could not die in but still feel pain or live in a world where you could die but not feel pain, with the first option you will be hunted by a sadistic gang of pyromaniacs in the second you are left to live in peace and never be bothered by pain.
  9. I ship all of them...what?
  10. Good choice but you forgot the question...
  11. There are chocolate biscuits in my bathroom...My brother is weird

  12. I pick Antarctica Would you rather fight a sharingan user or a amateur byakugan user
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